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abscess subdiaphragmatic

The accumulation of pus, bounded on one side (top) the diaphragm, on the other hand (bottom) the internal organs: stomach, liver, spleen, kidney, intestine, greater omentum. There are primary (very rare) and secondary, as a complication of other diseases (cholecystitis, perforated ulcer, pancreatitis and others.) And after operations on the abdominal organs.
The localization of the abscess may be different: in the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space. Most often, an abscess is located under the right dome of the diaphragm above the liver.
Symptoms and over:
Patients zheluyutsya of pain in the upper abdomen
- Right and left hypochondrium, epigastric region (in the stomach). Pain constant, aggravated by movement. Worried dry cough, weakness, shortness of breath, fatigue, hiccups. The temperature was raised to 41 ± C, chills. The general condition of heavy, semi-sitting position forced
- in bed. Noteworthy backwardness of the chest when breathing on the affected side. Breathing frequent, superficial. On palpation of the lower divisions of the chest in the upper abdomen, tenderness with a sore hand. Percussion observed high standing of the diaphragm, its stillness. The weakening of breathing in the lower parts of the lung on the affected side, pleural friction (with the involvement in the process of the pleura), strengthening golosopogo shake.
Help in diagnostics provide additional methods: X-ray and ultrasound.
In the formation of an abscess poddiafragmalygog-can confine the conservative therapy - antibiotic, detoxification, fluid. With punctures to enter abscess antibiotics. Complete recovery just after surgery.
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