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Furuncle (boil)

Develops as a result of acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle - the follicle and surrounding tissue and.
Symptoms and course:
The initial manifestations are ostiophalliculitis or folliculitis. Later, a dense, painful, cone-shaped knot of purple-red color appears, in the center of which a softening appears in a few days. Then it is opened with the release of a greater or lesser amount of pus and a funnel-shaped ulcer with a yellowish-greenish stem of the necrotic tissue over it is formed. After a while, the necrotic stem separates, the ulcer clears, the inflammation, swelling, swelling and soreness quickly decreases. Heals always with scarring.
Clinically distinguish: 1) a single furuncle; 2) localized furunculosis, when the elements consistently occur in the same area, for example, on the forearm, waist, etc. The causes of localized furunculosis are most often the wrong methods of therapy and regimen (use of compresses, undiluted residual compaction, wash the place where the elements appear ); 3) common (disseminated) furunculosis - the chronic appearance of ever new elements in different areas of the skin.
For a single furuncle, sometimes one external therapy in the form of ichthyol stickers (see Folliculitis), stopping washing of affected areas, the use of physiotherapeutic UHF methods, dry heat, ultrasound. However, the localization of even one furuncle on the face, and, in particular, in the nasolabial triangle, nose and lips, requires urgent hospitalization of the patient, complete rest for facial muscles (prohibition of verbal communication, transfer to liquid food) and general therapy. When the furuncle is localized on the face and general furunculosis, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are used. A thorough examination of the patient and, based on his results, the appointment of corrective measures is necessary. To increase the body's resistance, patients with chronic furunculosis are prescribed autohemotherapy, injections of aloe extract, gamma globulin, etc. In stubborn cases, immunotherapy with staphylococcal vaccine is carried out, sometimes receptions inside fresh yeast and sulfur in powders are useful.
Local therapy with pure ichthyol should be used only before the boil is opened, then several layers of gauze moistened with hypertonic solution are applied to it (for suction of pus).
After removing the necrotic stem and pus from the opened boil, antibacterial ointments and granulation-promoting ointments (Vishnevsky ointment, etc.) are prescribed, infiltrate around the ulcer can be applied again with Ichthyol.