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Mastitis lactation

Inflammatory breast disease caused by a variety of pyogenic microbes, mainly Staphylococcus and E. coli. Most often, the infection penetrates appeared cracked nipples.
Symptoms and over:
Onset Island: multiple chills, temperature ± 38 C and above. The skin over the area of ​​inflammation hyperemia (red and hot), subcutaneous veins expanded nipple cracks, axillary lymph nodes are sensitive to palpation. Initially infiltration has no clear boundaries that are defined later, then seal with festering softened. With the transition process, the patient's condition deteriorates in abscess, increased toxicity, increased ESR and leukocytosis in peripheral blood.
Treatment is initiated at the first signs of the disease. Prescribe antibiotics oxacillin, lincomycin, methicillin et al. In conjunction with compression (Vishnevsky ointment, alcohol). Lactation should be suppressed. Child fed donor milk. Mother and child from all isolates. When suppuration, surgical intervention (see. Sec. Surgical diseases).