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mediastinal tissue inflammation, often caused by non-specific purulent infection. There is a primary (mediastinal organs injury), and second (a complication of various suppurative processes in the body).
Symptoms and over:
Distinguish the severity of the disease, the difficulty of early diagnosis and greater mortality. There are 3 forms of mediastenitov acute purulent, purulent acute and chronic.
For acute forms of typical chest pain, shortness of breath, chills, fever. Especially hard mediastenity leak pus, in which chest pain pronounced and persistent. A characteristic feature is the sudden acute onset with rapid manifestation of symptoms. All the signs may be divided into two groups: general caused by intoxication, and symptoms caused by local compression of organs, blood vessels and nerves. The most justified to be considered an active surgical approach, mandatory for septic forms of the disease.
The severity of chronic mediastenitov due to the development of fibrotic connective tissue scarring, compressing mediastinal organs. Treatment for chronic mediastepitah largely conservative: antibiotic therapy, radiotherapy. Surgical intervention is indicated in rare cases, with a strong compression of the scars of an organ of the mediastinum.