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Microsporia (ringworm)

The most common fungal disease in children due to the expressed contagious infection. Infection occurs from sick people, cats and dogs or through objects containing spores of this fungus. The incubation period lasts from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months. The disease affects the smooth skin, the scalp and rarely - the nails.
Symptoms and course:
On the skin there are inflammatory spots, small nodules and vesicles covered with scales and crusts.
Foci of lesions on the scalp represent large, rounded areas of baldness. All hair is broken off at a level of 4-8 mm and it seems that they are sort of cut, which is why this disease is called ringworm.
There is also an ipfiltratipo-nagpitelnaya form of microsporia, in which there are general disorders, fever, malaise, regional lymph nodes increase, and secondary allergic rashes appear.
The diagnosis of microsporia is confirmed by the microscopic examination of the fungal mycelium. An important differential diagnostic value is the green glow of the affected hair when illuminated by a Wood lamp. Examination is carried out in a darkened room. It should be remembered that greasy hair can also give a yellowish-green glow under the Wood's lamp, so it is recommended to wash hair before testing.
The course of microsporia without treatment is prolonged. By the time of puberty, the disease usually disappears.
Similarly, superficial trichophytosis (see).