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Orz influenza and other acute respiratory infections

Acute respiratory infections (ARI) (acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, colds) - a group of diseases characterized by a brief fever, mild intoxication, mainly affecting the various departments of the upper respiratory tract.
Cause. Acute respiratory infections are caused by a large number of different viruses: influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses (causing infectious rhinitis) and other pathogens (over 200 species). They are resistant to freezing, but die quickly when heated under the influence of various disinfectants, ultraviolet irradiation.
The influenza virus is able to change with the development of resistance to it from the population, due to which almost every year there are new its subtypes, which have been ill with flu immunity not. The susceptibility to the virus of influenza in all age groups is almost absolute.
The source of infection is a person with severe or erased form of acute respiratory disease. Transmission occurs through airborne droplets. However, contamination can occur through household items (tableware, towel, etc.). Adenovirus infection can be transmitted and nutritional mode of transmission - through the feces and the water of swimming pools and even lakes.
The incidence of influenza and other acute respiratory infections recorded during the whole year, but in the cold increases. This is due to a vitamin deficiency of the population in this period, colds factor, with the cold time of year people crowding. Diseases occur in separate cases of epidemic outbreaks.
The process of developing the disease. Viruses - ARI pathogens affect the respiratory tract mucosa. The underlying tissue develops inflammation. Toxic products of viruses acting on different parts of the nervous system. The severity of the disease associated with the virulence of the virus and the state of the patient's immune system. Viral infection causes reduced immunity, which promotes secondary bacterial infection and the appearance of complications. Complications occur more frequently in individuals with chronic cardiovascular and lung diseases, diabetes.
Immunity after myocardial disease unstable, so each person can annually 3-4 times or more get sick any ARI.
Signs. The incubation period, ie the time between the contact with the patient and the beginning of the disease lasts from 12-48 hours of the flu to 1-14 days for other ARI. According to the severity of the distinguished mild, moderate, severe and very severe forms of influenza and other acute respiratory diseases.
Flu begins acutely, often with chills. The body temperature in the first day up to the maximum level, usually in the range 38-40 ° C. In the foreground signs of intoxication - a headache with characteristic localization in the frontal region, pain in eyeballs, back pain, different muscle groups. The defeat of the respiratory tract characterized by the appearance of dry cough, sore throat, rawness in the sternum, nasal congestion and sometimes nosebleeds. Marked redness of the face and neck, the mucous membrane of the soft palate, increased sweating.
High body temperature is maintained up to two days, and then decreases. The total duration of febrile period does not exceed 4-5 days.
ARI caused by other viruses may begin as acute, and gradually, characterized by moderate intoxication and fever up to 38 ° C. The defeat of the respiratory tract is manifested by various symptoms of acute lesions of the mucous membranes of the nose sneezing, stuffy nose, and then, after a few hours, profuse watery discharge from the nose; throat: a sense of rawness, scraping in the throat; throat: dry "barking" cough, hoarse voice of varying severity.
Treatment. Patients with mild to moderate uncomplicated influenza and other acute respiratory infections are treated at home. Patients with severe and complicated forms of these diseases are sent to the hospital.
During the hectic period of the patient must comply with bed rest, even in mild disease, take a multivitamin to 2 pills 3 times a day. Bed rest in the early days of the disease contributes to a more rapid recovery and prevent complications. To correct dehydration and excretion of toxic products from the body is recommended to drink plenty of warm.
To do this, use the Four-cranberry - ripe berries, raspberries, flowers, heart-shaped linden ( "lime color"), "Averin tea." They possess antipyretic, diaphoretic and "Averin tea" and a diuretic effect.
Cranberries are used in the form of a syrup, juice, acidic beverage. Cranberry drinks quench thirst. You can use cranberries with honey. When fever is very good cranberry drink with potato juice: 200 g peeled potatoes rubbed on a fine grater, squeeze the juice; potato juice was allowed to sediment starch for 2 h, then carefully poured juice and mixed with the pressed raw cranberry juice (50 g cranberry), 15 g of sugar is added.
Raspberries are used in fresh, dry and frozen. Dried raspberries brewed as a tea: 2 teaspoons to 1 cup of boiling water, drink hot. When using raspberry leaf 4 teaspoons chopped products brewed for 2 cups of boiling water, strained and drunk in the form of heat 4 times a day. Improving the well-being begins in 40 minutes after heavy sweating.
Linden flowers are prepared in the form of infusion: 2 tablespoons minced lime tsetkov in 2 cups of boiling water insist 30 minutes, strain, take 1/3 cup after meals 4 times a day.
"Averin tea" - a succession of tripartite with tricolor violet ( "Ivan da Marya") equally, and 0.5 parts of stems sweet nightshade black. Infusion of grass succession: 20 g of grass finely pulverized, placed in an enamel pan, pour 200 ml of water at room temperature, sealed, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Infusions of herbs "Ivan da Marya" and nightshade are also trained as a series, following the above-mentioned ratio. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. The effect occurs within 8-10 hours.
In food it is advisable to include foods that increase the body's resistance and have anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effect:
Salad of radish and carrot, seasoned with 1 tablespoon podsolnechnoogo oil and 2 tablespoons of sour cream.
Dessert of lemon, passed through a meat grinder with a peel and mixed with honey (to taste).
Salad of green onions with eggs and sour cream.
Carrot juice and carrot cakes.
Salad of carrots with beets and green or onions, topped with sunflower oil.
Raw apples on an empty stomach.
Barley soup, jelly, cereal.
Pumpkin congee or porridge.
Beet juice.
When the flu in the first hours and days of the onset of the disease is effective rimantadine, which blocks the entry of influenza virus in the mucosal cells dyhateltnyh ways. Recommended single dose of the preparation of 6 tablets (300 mg) in the first day of treatment. Antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs completely ineffective for the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, and prevention of complications.
To increase the body's defenses to combat the influenza virus, and other acute respiratory infections dibazola recommend taking 1 tablet 3 times a day for these diseases.
To reduce the toxicity and inflammation in the airways antigrippin complex preparations are used or when koldreks to moderate disease and body temperature above 38 ° C for 1 powder (tablet) 3 times a day. Strive in that whatever was to reduce the body temperature to normal values ​​should not be by receiving antipyretics, as it is a defensive reaction of the organism and the detrimental effect on the virus.
To improve the drainage function of the respiratory tract and the prevention of pneumonia prescribed inhalation (inhalation of warm vapor over a pan of freshly boiled potatoes).
At a cold applied honey, beet juice, aloe juice, onion oil solution with garlic, lemon juice, mustard, nettle, winter cress.
Fresh liquid honey impregnated with 2 flagella of the bandage and put them in the nasal passages to a depth of 2-3 cm. First, there is a burning sensation that is amplified and there is a feeling of warmth. Flagella keep your nose for as long as enough patience. The therapeutic effect occurs after 3-5 sessions. This method of treatment can also be applied to children.
The oil solution of onion and garlic is prepared as follows: half cup vegetable oil in a glass container to put in a water bath for 30-40 minutes and then cooled. in chilled butter add finely chopped 3-4 garlic cloves and 1/4 onions. Insist 2 hours and strain. The medicine is ready for use. As beet juice and aloe juice, 2-3 drops instilled into both nostrils several times a day.
Lemon juice is drawn nose and go.
Mustard is applied to the soles of his feet, and tape up in flannel, put on wool socks and keep the mustard as much as possible (1-2 hours). The procedure is done in the evening. After it is necessary to walk through the room.
Stinging nettle has anti-allergic effect. Take nettle leaf (green is better, but can be dry) and knead it in his fingers. You will see a pleasant smell. Sniff nettle least 3 minutes 6 times a day. Runny nose quickly decrease.
Colza very good for long-term persistent rhinitis and nasal congestion after suffering acute respiratory disease. Breaking one inflorescence, knead to display the juice, and then lubricate them in the nose 3-4 times a day.
Drugs used from 0.1% solution or naftizina galazolin 5 drops into the nasal passages 3-5 times a day. It is effective as the drug Pin 400 1 capsule 2 times a day. Providing free nasal breathing is the prevention of inflammation of the middle ear and paranasal sinuses.
To reduce the painful dry cough apply one of antitussives: pektussin, libeksin 1 tablet 3 times a day. It is recommended to use hot milk with soda (1/2 teaspoon per cup) honey. Apply mustard.
With long-lasting cough are recommended burnt sugar, broth Elecampane, infusion veronica drug, and some herbs fees.
Burnt sugar - ordinary sugar to pour into the pan and heat until it turned into a dark pieces are very palatable. These pieces of sugar to suck, there comes a healing effect.
Broth Elecampane - 1 tablespoon crushed roots elecampane pour 1 cup water and boil for 15 minutes, cool, drink in the form of heat to 1 tablespoon in 2 hours.
Infusion Veronica drug - 2 tea spoons of raw material pour 2 cups kipyatkap, insist on a water bath for 15 min, filter and take 0.3 cups of hot or 4 times a day after meals.
I. Gathering grass Oregano - 10 g, marshmallow root drug - 20 g of leaves mother and stepmother - 20 g
Collect II. Plantain leaves - 30 grams, licorice root - 30 g of leaves mother and stepmother - 40 g
Collection III. The root of the licorice - 40 g, marshmallow root drug - 40 g, the fruit of anise - 20 g is applied in the form of infusions 0.5 cups 6 times a day after meals.
When hoarseness effective eggnog - 2 egg yolks with sugar until white and add the butter, take between meals.
On recovery from influenza and other acute respiratory infections can talk on the 4th day of normal body temperature in good health, and the disappearance of all available events lesions of the upper respiratory tract.
Prevention of disease. The most effective protection against influenza is annual vaccination influenza vaccine before the epidemic - in September and October. The vaccine is updated annually in accordance with the projected subtype of influenza virus for the coming winter. First of all, it shows people with high risk of complications to patients with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, kidneys, diabetes, persons older than 65 years.
Effective means of protection against other ARI no. It plays a major role hardening of the body and prevention of hypothermia. Of particular importance in the autumn-winter gets help of nature itself. In this respect, it is advisable to use the national news Pharmacy - feokarpina - preparation obtained from the needles of pine and spruce. It retained the biological activity of all natural ingredients. In feokarpine contains chlorophyll and volatile, it exhibits antimicrobial activity, with vitamins E, K, F, provitamins A and D. It also includes polyprenols that have a pronounced immunostimulating effect of increasing resistance to bacterial and viral infection.
The patient should be isolated in a separate room, to provide him personal tableware, towel. Persons in charge of it, should be 4-6-ply gauze masks. Mandatory part airing and wet cleaning of the premises where the patient is.
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