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Description drugs: Imipramine (Imipraminum)

Imipramine (Imipraminum).

N- (3-dimethylaminopropyl) -iminodibenzila hydrochloride, or 5- (3-dimethylaminopropyl) -10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo [b, f] azepine hydrochloride.

Synonyms: imipramine, Melipraminum, Antideprin, Deprenil, Deprimin, Deprinol , Depsonil, Dynaprin, Eupramin, Imipramil, Irmin, Melipramin, Surplix, Tofranil , and others.

The white crystalline powder. The easily soluble in water and alcohol.

The aqueous solutions have a pH of 3, 7 - 4 5.

Imipramine is the main representative of typical tricyclic antidepressants. This is one of the first antidepressants, but due to the high efficiency it is widely used so far.

On the mechanism of action of imipramine is an inhibitor of the reuptake of monoamines - neurotransmitters. This effect is not selective, it simultaneously blocks the capture of noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters and leads to their accumulation in the synaptic cleft, and increased physiological activity. Under the experimental conditions removes or reduces deprimiruyuschie effects of reserpine, enhances the action of sympathomimetic agents has holinoliticheskoy activity.

The nature of imipramine refers to antidepressants with concomitant stimulant effect.

Apply imipramine in depressive states of various etiologies, especially when astenodepressivnyh conditions involving motor and ideatornoy block, including the endogenous depression, involutional, menopausal depression, reactive depression, depressive states with psychopathy and neurosis, etc., With alcohol depression.

The drug helps to reduce boredom, improve mood (timolepticheskoe effect), emergence vigor, reduction of motor inhibition, improvement of mental and general body tone.

Assign usually inside (after meal), starting with 0.75 - 0.1 g per day, then gradually increase the dose (0.025 g daily) and bring it up to 0.2-0.25 g per day. the dose is not recommended to increase When the antidepressant effect. In some refractory cases and in the absence of side effects applied to 0.3 g per day. Duration of treatment an average of 4 - 6 weeks, and then gradually reduce the dose (0.025 g every 2 - 3 days) and pass to a maintenance therapeutic (typically 0.025 g of 1 - 4 times a day).

Note that too early discontinuation of treatment may lead to a resumption of depression. Cancelling imipramine should be gradual.

In severe depression in a hospital can be used combined therapy - intramuscular injection and ingestion of the drug. Beginning with intramuscular injections of 0.025 g (1 2 ml, 25% solution) 1 - 2 - 3 times per day; to day 6 was adjusted daily dose 0.15-0.2 g dose for injection is then begin to decrease and prescribe the drug inside, with every 25 mg for injection (2 ml 1, 25% solution) was replaced by 50 mg in the form of pills. Gradually move on to receive the drug only in and then maintenance therapy.