Attention! Information is for reference only!
Before taking the course, consult a doctor!
WEB SITE ONLY DIRECTORY. NOT PHARMACY! We do not sell medicines! None!

Description of the medicine: Propoceum (Propoceum)

PROPOCEUM (Propoceum).

Contains 10% extract of propolis thick, petrolatum, glycerin, emulsifier. Brownish-yellow ointment with an aromatic odor.

It is used as an additional agent in the treatment of chronic eczema, neurodermatitis, itchy dermatoses, trophic long-term healing ulcers. Ointment reduces itching and soreness, accelerates epithelization. Apply to the affected surface 1 - 2 times a day or every other day (under the bandage or without it). Course, treatment 2 - 3 weeks.

With the application of the ointment, itching and redness of the skin are possible. In these cases, the treatment with ointment is stopped.

Contraindications: acute eczema, allergic reactions to bee products.

Product: in tubes of 30 and 50 g.

Storage: in a cool place.