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Description of the medicine: Enkad (Encadum)


The drug, which is a mixture of products of enzymatic hydrolysis of yeast. Contains pyrimidine nucleoside-3-phosphates and oligoribonucleosides.

White or white with a yellowish hue amorphous powder. Easily soluble in water. Hygroscopic.

Applied with hereditary diseases of the retina - taperotinal degeneration (retinal abiotrophies).

Apply the Enkad solution intramuscularly, subconjunctively, using phonophoresis and in the form of local applications.

Intramuscularly administered to adults daily for 175 - 210 mg per day (5 - 6 ml of a 3, 5% solution); Children under 7 years - at the rate of 10 mg per 1 year of life per day, over 7 years - 10.5 mg (3 ml 3, 5% solution) per day.

The daily dose is administered in 2 divided doses with an interval of 5-6 h.

The course of Enkad's treatment lasts 15 days. The courses are repeated at intervals of 6 - 8 - 10 months, but at least once a year.

Simultaneously with intramuscular injections, a solution of the enkad can be administered subconjunctivally by 0.3 ml of a 3, 5% solution (10.5 mg) once a day for 10-15 days.

A 0.5% Enkada solution is also used in the treatment with phonophoresis. The solution is prepared ex tempore. Conduct 10 - 12 daily procedures 2 times a year.

There are also data on the use of Enkada in Sjogren's disease. It is believed that the positive effect is associated with the immunomodulating activity of the Enkada.

With Sjogren's disease, the Enkad is used in the form of applications on the mucosa of the oral cavity. For applications use 5 ml of 1% solution for 20 minutes (3,5% Enkada solution is diluted with isotonic sodium chloride solution in a ratio of 1: 3, 5). Applications are made 3 times a day (after meals) for 14 days. During the year, 3 to 4 courses are conducted.

With intramuscular injection of the Enkad, chills, fever, joint pain and other allergic reactions are possible. In these cases, the drug is canceled and desensitizing therapy is administered. In order to avoid pronounced adverse reactions, an intradermal test should be performed prior to treatment (insert under the skin on the inner surface of the lower third of the forearm 0.1 ml of a 3, 5% Enkada solution). In the case of papules more than 1 cm in size a day later, the sample is considered positive and the drug is not used.

With a negative sample, treatment is started.

With subconjunctival administration, edema and hyperemia of the conjunctiva, which are removed by instillation of corticosteroid preparations, are possible. There may be an increase and soreness of the parotid and cervical lymph nodes.

The use of the Enkad is contraindicated in acute infectious, viral diseases, tumors, severe cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system, liver and kidney function disorders, allergic diseases, pregnancy and lactation. It is not recommended to assign the Enkad to persons of elderly and senile age.

Form release: powder; 3, 5% solution for injection (Solutio Encadi 3, 5% ppo injectionibus) - a clear liquid of light yellow color (pH 4, 5 - 6, 0) in ampoules of 2 and 3 ml in a package of 10 ampoules.

Storage: at a temperature of + 4 to +10 'C.