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Description of the medicine: Phenoxymethylpenicillin (Phenoxymethylpenicillinum)

Phenoxymethylpenicillin (Phenoxymethylpenicillinum).

Synonyms: Vegacillin, Penicillin-Fau, Apopen, Ascillin, Bramcillin, Distacillin, Faucilline, Fenoxypen, Meropenin, Oracilline, Oratren, Pencillin V, Phenocillin, Stabicillin, Vaucillin, V-Cilin, Vegacillin and others.

Phenoxymethylpenicillin (phenoxymethylpenicillic acid) is an antibacterial agent; Produced by the fungus Renicillium notatum or various microorganisms.

White crystalline powder. Very little soluble in water. In 1 mg contains 1610 units.

By chemical structure, it differs from benzylpenicillin by the presence in the molecule of a phenoxymethyl group instead of benzyl; Differs from benzylpenicillin with acid resistance, which makes it suitable for oral administration. It is not destroyed by the acid of gastric juice; Well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and creates a high and longer concentration of penicillin in the blood. Under the action of penicillinase phenoxymethylpenicillin is destroyed.

Phenoxymethylpenicillin is used in the treatment of infectious diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to penicillin. Assign it mainly for infections of moderate severity.

The drug is used for prophylactic purposes with outbreaks of scarlet fever, with angina, after tonsillectomies, for the prevention of rheumatic attacks, as well as for diphtheria. In gonorrhea, phenoxymethylpenicillin is less effective than penicillin drugs administered parenterally. For the treatment of patients with syphilis (children and adults) it is used in cases when it is difficult to use penicillin drugs in the form of injections, while the drug is administered orally at doses exceeding twice the dose of penicillin during parenteral administration.

Assign phenoxymethylpenicillin inward in the form of tablets or suspension. Take 1/2 to 1 hour before meals. The daily dose is given in 4 - 6 receptions.

The average single dose for adults is 0.25 g, the daily dose is 1.5 g or more. Children under the age of 1 year are prescribed in a daily dose of 25 to 30 mg / kg, from 1 to 6 years - 15 to 30 mg / kg, from 6 to 12 years - 10 to 20 mg / kg, over 12 years - 0, 5 1, 0 g.

A suspension of phenoxymethylpenicillin is administered primarily to children. Prepare it from powder for suspension. In a vial containing 1, 24 g of powder, freshly boiled chilled water is added to a volume of 100 ml; When the content in the vial is 0.62 or 0.31 g of powder, water is added respectively to 50 or 25 ml. The contents of the vial are mixed until a uniform suspension is obtained. In 1 ml of suspension contains 12.4 mg of phenoxymethylpenicillin (which corresponds to the activity of 2000 units). Dosage the suspension with a specially applied spoon (or teaspoon) or a pipette with a capacity of 1 ml. One spoon (5 ml) contains almost 60 mg, and 1 ml - 12 mg of the preparation. Shelf life of the finished suspension (stored at a temperature of + 4 to +6 'C) no more than 14 days, at room temperature - no more than 8 days.

The duration of phenoxymethylpenicillin treatment is determined individually depending on the nature of the disease.