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Description of the medicine: Synthomycin (Synthomycinum)

SYNTHOMYCIN (Synthomycinum).

D, L - threo - 1 - pair - Nitrophenyl - 2 - dichloroacetylamino-propanediol - 1, 3.

The chemical structure does not differ from levomycetin. The latter is a levorotatory form, and synthomycin is a racemate of threo-1 -para- nitrophenyl-2-dichloroacetylamino-1,3-propanediol.

The active principle of synthomycin is levomycetin. The dextrorotatory isomer (dextromycetin) does not exhibit antimicrobial activity.

White or white with a greenish-yellowish tint crystal powder, bitter to the taste, Virtually nerastvorim in water, it is difficult to dissolve in alcohol.

The use of synthomycin may be accompanied by the same complications as those observed with levomycetin; In addition, changes in the nervous system in the form of excitation, feelings of fear and other disorders have been noted.

In this regard, the preparation is not administered internally, but is applied only externally in the form of liniments and other dosage forms.

Liniment Synthomycin (Linimentum Synthomycini).

Synonym: Emulsion of synthomycin.

Composition: 1%, 5% or 10% synthomycin, castor oil, special emulsifier, distilled water, preservative. Applied for the treatment of purulent wounds, purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, trachoma, sycosis.

Liniment of white or slightly yellowish color with a weak odor.

With pustular lesions of the skin, furunculosis, carbuncles, purulent wounds, burns, for the treatment of long-term healing ulcers, burns of II and III degree, nipple cracks in the parturients, etc. Apply liniment on the affected area. On top of the usual bandage, you can with parchment or compress paper.

For the treatment of trachoma, 10% (5% or 1%) of the liniment (emulsion) of synthomycin or levomycetin is used.

Product: in glass jars of 25 g.

Storage: in a dry, cool place protected from light.

RR .: Lin. Synthomycini 1% (5%, 10%) 25, 0

DS External (for treatment of ulcers, wounds, trachoma)

Liniment of synthomycin (1%) with novocaine (0.5%) (Linimentum Synthomycini 1% cum Novocaino 0.5%). Applied for local treatment of infected burn surfaces and purulent wounds, accompanied by severe pain. Liniment is applied to the wound or burn surface. Dressings are done daily or every other day. Local treatment can be combined with taking levomycetin inside.

Product: in glass jars of 25 g.

Storage: List B. In a dry, cool, sheltered from the world.

Rp .: Lin Syptomycini 1% cum

Novocaino 0.5% 25, ​​0

DS Apply to burn surface once a day

Vaginal suppositories with sintomycin 0.25 g (Suppositoria vaginalia cum Synthomycino 0.25). Candles containing 0.25 grams of synthomycin, in a package of 5 pieces.

Storage: List B. In a dry, cool, protected from light place.