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Description of the medicine: Nystatinum (Nystatinum)

Nystatinum (Nystatinum). 19-Mikosaminilnistatinolide.

It is an antibiotic substance produced by actinomycete Streptomyces noursei.

Refers to the antibiotic polyene group.

Synonyms: Anticandine, Fungicidin, Fungistatin, Mikostatin, Moronal, Mycostatin, Nistatin, Nystafungin, Nystatin, Stamicin and others.

Powder of light yellow color with a specific smell, bitter to the taste, almost insoluble in water, very little - in alcohol. Sensitive to light, high temperature and oxygen. It is easily destroyed in acidic and alkaline medium and under the action of oxidizing agents. Hygroscopic.

The activity of nystatin is expressed in units of action (ED). In 1 mg of the drug contains not less than 4000 units.

Nystatin acts on pathogenic fungi and especially on yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, as well as on aspergillus; Against bacteria is inactive. The drug is poorly absorbed; The bulk taken internally is excreted with feces.

Nystatin is used to prevent and treat diseases caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida (Candida albicans, etc.); Candidiasis of the mucous membranes (mouth, vagina, etc.), skin and internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys, etc.). For preventive purposes, they are prescribed to prevent the development of candidiasis during long-term treatment with penicillin preparations and antibiotics of other groups, especially with oral administration of tetracycline antibiotics, levomycetin, neomycin, etc., as well as a weakened and emaciated patient.

Nystatin is prescribed orally in tablets. Adults receive 500,000 units 3 to 4 times a day or 250,000 units 6 to 8 times a day. The daily dose of 1 500 000 - 3 000 000 units. In severe generalized candidiasis, the daily dose can be increased to 4,000,000 - 6,000,000 units. Children under the age of 1 year are appointed to 100 000 - 125 000 units, from 1 to 3 years - 250 000 units 3 to 4 times a day; Over 13 years - from 1 000 000 to 1 500 000 units per day in 4 admission.

The average duration of treatment is 10-14 days. The tablets are swallowed without chewing.

With chronic recurrent and generalized candidiasis, repeated courses of treatment with interruptions between courses 2 - 3 weeks are carried out.

In the treatment of fungal infections of the mucous membranes and skin, nystatin ointment can be used.

Candidiasis of the lower intestine, colpitis and vulvovaginitis can use candles and globules containing 250,000 and 500,000 units each. They are administered 2 times a day, the average course duration is 10-14 days.

Nystatin is low in toxicity; Side effects usually does not cause, with increased sensitivity to the antibiotic, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills, etc. are possible. In such cases, the dose is reduced.

Forms of release: tablets covered with a jacket of yellow color, containing 250,000 and 500,000 units each; Candles and suppositories vaginal for 250 000 and 500 000 units; Ointment in tubes containing 100,000 units of Nystatin in 1 g.

Storage: List B. In a dry, protected from light place at a temperature of not more than +5 C.

Ointment nystatin (Unguentum Nystatini). Ointment is yellow. Contains 1 g of 100,000 units of NID.

Assign for fungal diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, especially when affected by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.