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Description of the medicine: Chinifuril (Chinifurili)

HINIFURIL (Chinifurili).

Hinifuryl-N- (5-Diethylaminopentyl-2) -2 [2'- (5 "-nitrofuryl-2") - vinyl] -4-quinolinecarboxamide.

Greenish yellow amorphous powder. Almost nerastvorim in water, very little - in alcohol.

Like other nitrofurans, it has antibacterial action. Effective against gram-negative microorganisms, including those resistant to antibiotics.

Produced as a 0.5% ointment (Unguentum Chinofuryli 0.5%).

Applied in acute purulent processes in soft tissues caused by staphylococcal infection: in phase I wound process, with furuncles, carbuncles, suppuration of postoperative wounds, infected burns, etc.

The ointment is applied to the affected area (after treatment), put on with sterile napkins, soaked in ointment. The dressings are changed daily. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

When applying the ointment, allergic dermatitis around the wound is possible.

Contraindications are common to the preparations of the group of nitrofurans.

Product: 0.5% ointment greenish-yellow for 30 or 100 g in glass jars.

Storage: List B. In a dry, cool, sheltered from the world.