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Description of the medicine: Collargolum (Collargolum)

COLLARGOL (Collargolum)

Synonyms: Colloidal silver, Argentum colloidale.

Greenish-black or bluish-black small plates with metallic luster. Soluble in water to form a colloidal solution. Contains 70% silver.

Apply: 1) 0,2 - 1% solution for washing purulent wounds; 2) 1 - 2% solution for washing the bladder in chronic cystitis, with urethritis; 3) 2 - 3 - 5% solution in the form of eye drops to treat purulent conjunctivitis and blenorrhea. With erysipelas, lymphangitis, mild chancre, 15% of ointment is prescribed sometimes - adults 3 g, children 1 g 4 times a day.

Product: powder.

Storage: List B. In well ukuporennyh banks of orange glass in the dark place.

Rp .: Sol. Collargoli 2% 200 ml

DS For syringing

Rp .: Sol. Collargoli 3% 10 ml

D. in vitr. Nigr.
