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Description of the medicine: Radix Ginseng

ROOT OF GINSEN (Radix Ginseng).

Collected in autumn at the 5th - 6th year of life, washed, whole and cut along to pieces and dried roots of the wild and cultivated perennial grassy ginseng plant - Panax ginseng C, A. Mey (synonym: Panax schin-seng Nees), family. Araliaceae.

Apply also the roots of ginseng five-leaved (Panax quinqueafolium) and ginseng creeping (Panax repens).

The root of ginseng contains essential and fatty oils, pectins and other carbohydrates, glycosides (panaxosides A and B, panacylon, panaxin), saponins and other substances. The chemical nature and pharmacological properties of substances contained in ginseng have not yet been adequately studied.

In medical practice apply alcohol tincture (Tinctura Ginseng). Transparent liquid is yellowish in color. It is prepared on 70% ethyl alcohol (1:10).

They are used as a tonic and stimulant for asthenia, overfatigue, neurasthenia, after infectious and debilitating diseases, as well as in weakening sexual function on the basis of neurasthenia (in complex therapy).

Assign inside for 30-40 minutes before meals 15 to 25 drops 2 to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 30 to 40 days. If necessary, repeat it after 2 - 3 weeks.

Contraindications: hypertensive disease, increased excitability, insomnia, hemorrhage. Like other similar tinctures, do not take ginseng tincture in the afternoon.

Product: in bottles of 50 ml.

Storage: in a dry place protected from light.

Rp .: T-rae Ginsengi 50 ml