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Description of the medicine: Soap green (Sapo viridis)

SOAP GREEN. Potassium soap (Sapo viridis).

It is obtained by saponizing the vegetable oils with a solution of caustic potassium. A greyish or greenish paste with a mild soapy odor. Easily soluble in water (1: 4 in cold and 1: 6 in hot) and alcohol (1: 4). Solutions have an alkaline reaction.

They are used for cleansing the skin and for preparing soap alcohol and soap-carbolic solution, used as disinfectants (see Phenol). It is part of the Wilkinson ointment.

Green soap, like other soaps obtained by alkaline hydrolysis of fats, refers to anionic soaps (anionic detergents).

Currently, cationic detergents are widely used as disinfectants and detergents (see Degmicide, Decamethoxin, Cerigel, etc.).