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Description medications: embihina (Embichinum)

Embihina (Embichinum).

Methyl bis (b chloroethyl) -amine hydrochloride.

Synonyms: Mustargen, Caryolysine, Chlorethazine, Chlormethine, Dichloren , Dimitan, Duamin, Erasin HN2, Mechlorethamine hydrochloride, Metichloramine, Mustargen, Mustine, Nitrogranulogen, N-Yperit, Stickstoflost and others.

White crystalline powder, soluble in water. The solutions (isotonic sodium chloride solution) is prepared (due to their instability of) ex tempore.

The drug is active in chronic myelosis, lymph and retikulosarkome, chlamydia, mushroom avium, small cell lung cancer.

Currently it is used mainly in the treatment of infection in the complex therapy.

Enter embihin intravenously. When <shock> procedure administered for 4 days for a total dose of 0.4 mg / kg (0.1 mg / kg per day) or 0.4 mg / kg dose. Sometimes use <drobnoprotyazhnoy> method: the drug is administered at a dose of 5 - 6 mg 3 times a week; Total Dose (8 - 20 administrations) is 40 - 120 mg.

Treatment was stopped at lowering blood leukocytes to 2, 5 3 × 10 9 / l.

Embihin may also be administered in serous cavities (0.2 mg / kg in 10 - 50 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution) if they effusion containing tumor cells.

embihinom Treatment should be under close medical supervision. In applying the drug may experience complications and side effects associated with its local irritating properties and general toxic dsystviem, especially effects on hematopoiesis.

When administered intravenously embihina should be monitored closely to ensure that the solution does not come under the skin, as it may cause infiltration and tissue necrosis. In the case of solution into the subcutaneous fatty tissue should be immediately put in a place a certain amount of isotonic sodium chloride solution. If there is infiltration apply compresses.

It should guard against falling solutions of the drug on the mucous membranes and the skin of the patient and medical staff. If this happens, you should immediately rinse thoroughly with water preparation.

To prevent the development of phlebitis in patients (especially during multiple introductions), it is appropriate following injection into a vein to introduce an additional 20 ml of warm Ringer's solution, and not to clamp the vein at the injection site after injection.

In some patients after 1 - 3 hours after administration of drug are nausea and headache, sometimes vomiting. To reduce or eliminate vomiting appoint chlorpromazine (0.025 g orally or intramuscularly 1 h after injection embihina) or etaperazin. You can also enter embihin evening (after dinner) and appoint sleeping at night.

During treatment embihinom necessary to monitor changes in the blood picture. A serious complication of drug overdose can be profound depression of bone marrow suppression with a sharp hematopoiesis, until the events of aplasia of hematopoietic tissue (fatal).

In the treatment of fractional doses embihina effect on leukocyte and trombopitopoez less pronounced.

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