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Description of the medicine: Perftoranum (Perftoranum)


Emulsion (white with a bluish tinge) on the basis of perfluororganic compounds (in 1 liter of aqueous solution contains perfluorodecalin 13 g, perfluoromethylcyclohexylpiperidine 6.5 g, proxanol 4 g, sodium chloride 0.6 g, potassium chloride 0.039 g, magnesium chloride 0.019 g, Sodium hydrogen carbonate 0.065 g, sodium phosphate monosubstituted 0.02 g and glucose 0.2 g).

The original domestic drug.

Plasmasubstitution and gas transport (has the ability to reversibly bind and carry oxygen and carbon dioxide).

Chemically inert (in the body is not subjected to biotransformation).

It is proposed for the treatment of hypovolemia associated with blood loss, shock, trauma, intoxication.

Enter intravenously, usually 5-30 ml / kg, it is possible to re-enter the same dose 3 times at intervals of 1-4 days.

Maximum doses: single dose - 30 ml / kg; Daily - 100 ml / kg.

Possible side effects: hyperthermia, tachycardia, arterial hypotension, headache, pain behind the sternum and in the lumbar region, difficulty breathing, allergic (including anaphylactoid) reactions.

Contraindications: hemophilia, allergic diseases.

Form release: emulsion for infusion in vials of 50, 100, 200 and 400 ml.