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Description of the medicine: Semaxum

Semax (Semaxum).

A synthetic peptide compound containing 7 amino acid residues (4-10) entering the adrenocorticotropic hormone molecule (comprising 39 amino acid residues).

The original domestic drug.

Does not have hormonal (adrenocorticotropic) activity, but it has an activating (nootropic, adaptogenic) effect on the central nervous system. The drug improves memorization, facilitates the analysis of information, increases the resistance of the body to hypoxia, favorably affects the condition of patients with impaired cerebral circulation, contributes to the restoration of neurological functions after a stroke.

It is proposed for use in intellectual-mnestic disorders in cerebral vascular disorders, after a brain trauma and neurosurgical interventions, for asthenic disorders of various genesis, for increasing adaptation to extreme conditions, with neuritis.

Assign intranasal (in the form of nasal drops). With this method of administration, the drug is well absorbed (up to 60-70% in terms of the active substance).

Enter 2-3 drops (no more) in each half of the nose 2-3 times a day at intervals of 4-5 hours for 3-5 (up to 14) days. If necessary, increase the dose by digging in again at intervals of 10-15 minutes.

The drug is contraindicated in acute mental disorders, accompanied by anxiety, with diseases of the endocrine system.

Form release: 0.1% solution (drops for the nose) in the bottles-droppers of 3 ml.

Storage: List B. At temperatures from +8 to +10 ° C.