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Before taking you should consult with a doctor!
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Description medications: isoconazole (Isoconasole)

Isoconazole (Isoconasole).

1- [2,4-Dichloro-β - [(2,6-dichlorobenzyl) oxy] -fenetil] imidazole.

Synonyms: Gyno-travogen ovulum, travogen, Gyno-Travogen ovulum, Travogen.

Available in the form of nitrate.

It is an isomer of miconazole. I go with him on a spectrum of action.

Applied topically, fungal diseases of the skin (trihofitia, athlete, mikrosporiya, candidiasis, defeat fungi), mixed infections of the skin and mucous membranes.

The cream is applied to the affected areas 1 per day. You can apply an occlusive dressing. Duration of treatment is usually at least 4 weeks.

When fungal infections of the vagina and the mixed injected (deep) vaginal suppositories (before bedtime) for 3 days or 1 day a week.

Side effects (skin irritation, burning sensation, allergic skin reactions) occur rarely.

Method of issuance: 1% cream in tubes of 20 and 50 g; vaginal suppositories by 0.6 g

Storage: List B.

Travokort (Travocort). The cream, 1 g of which contained 0.01 g (10 mg) and isoconazole 0.001 g (1 mg) difluokortolona glucocorticosteroid.