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Description of the medicine: Menotropins

MEETROPINS (Menotropins).

Synonyms: Menopausal gonadotropin, Menogon, Pergogrin, Pergonal, Humegon, Weight Gear, Massonotoxinum, HMH Massone, Humegon, Menogon, Pergogrin, Pergonal.

Gonadotropin is a menopausal human, containing fol-lyculostimulating and lutenizing hormones in a 1: 1 ratio; Are obtained from the urine of women who are in menopause.

The therapeutic effect is due mainly to the effect of follicle-stimulating hormone ( Cmax of which after intramuscular injection is 6-24 h, T 1/2 -4-12 h).

Applied: in women - with infertility, caused by hypothalamic-pituitary disorders (hapogonadotropic hypogonadism), when carrying out reproductive procedures; In men - to stimulate spermatogenesis.

Assign intramuscularly for infertility: women - first 75-150 ME follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones per day, 1-2 days after the last injection, 5000-10 000 ME gonadotropin chorionic; Men - the same dose of the drug in combination with 1000-3000 ME gonadotropin chorionic for 3 months.

Possible side effects: ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (with probable development of ovarian cysts, ascites, hydrothorax, oliguria, arterial hypotension), multiple pregnancy, dyspepsia, fever, arthralgia, myalgia, gynecomastia (in men), allergic reactions.

Contraindications: tumors of the gross-hypothalamus and genital area, hyperprolactinaemia, kidney and pancreas diseases; For women - pregnancy, hypertrophy and ovarian cyst, uterine bleeding of unclear etiology, etc.

Form release: lyophilized powder for injection solutions in 75 ED bottles (gonadotropin menopausal) and in ampoules of 75 and 150 IU follicle stimulating hormone and 35, 70, 75 and 150 IU luteinizing hormone.