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Description of the medicine: Bishofit (Bishofit)


Bishofit is a natural mineral, including a chloride-magnesium sodium complex, iodine, bromine, iron and other elements. Obtained in the form of a brine while drilling wells.

Has a moderate anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect in chronic inflammatory diseases.

The reason for the application of the brine was the observation of a reduction in the pain associated with joints and hands in workers in the boreholes of the Lower Kama River Area after contact (washing hands) with this brine.

Bischofite is approved for use as an external (balneological) remedy for deforming arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, radiculitis, lumbulgia and other chronic inflammatory and dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal and neuromuscular apparatus.

Apply bischofite (brine) in the form of compresses. The affected area of ​​the body (joint, lumbar region, etc.) is recommended to be warmed first with a blue light bulb or a heating pad for 3 to 5 minutes. Brine in diluted water (1: 1) or undiluted form lightly rubbed into a painful place for 3 to 5 minutes, then make a warming compress (usually overnight: moistened with brine gauze, put on a painful patch, cover with wax paper. Skin with warm water Treatment course 10 - 12 procedures (every other day).

With daily and too long application of bischofite, tissue irritation, skin allergic reactions are possible.

In case of aggravation of the process and intolerance of the procedures, the drug is stopped. Do not apply compresses to skin diseases in the painful area.

Bischofite is released in a glass container.

Storage: at room temperature.

Bischofite is also available in the form of a paste called "Bisholin". The paste is rubbed into the affected areas (joints, loins, etc.) for 1, 5 - 2 minutes 2 - 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 - 14 days. After a 3 - 4-week break, retraining courses are possible.

Inconvenience of the application: the precipitation of crystals that settle on the skin and underwear.

Bischofite plaster is also available.

The use of paste and plaster is contraindicated in cases of skin diseases in the field of their application.

Storage: in a tightly closed container at room temperature.