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Description of the medicine: Pentaminum

PENTAMINE (Pentaminum).

3-Methyl-1, 5-bis (N, N-dimethyl-N-ethyl-ammonium) -3-azapentane dibromide.

Synonyms: Azamethonii bromidum, Azamethonium bromide, Pendiomid, Pentamethazene and others.

White or slightly yellowish crystalline powder. Very hygroscopic. Easily soluble in water and alcohol. The aqueous solutions are sterilized at + 100 "C for 30 minutes, the pH of the 5% solution is 6, 0 - 7, 5.

Pentamine refers to symmetrical bis-quaternary ammonium compounds.

The indications are basically the same as for other similar ganglion blockers (see Benzogexonium). There is considerable experience in the effective use of pentamine in hypertensive crises, peripheral vasospasm spasms, intestinal and biliary tract spasms, renal colic, bronchial asthma (relief of acute attacks), eclampsia, causalgias, edema of lungs, edema of the brain.

In urological practice, pentamine is used in cystoscopy in men to facilitate the passage of the cystoscope through the urethra. In anesthesia practice apply for controlled hypotension.

With spasms of blood vessels and other diseases begin with the introduction of 1 ml of 5% solution and then increase the dose to 1, 5 - 2 ml 2 - 3 times a day. Enter intramuscularly.

For hypertensive crises, pulmonary edema, brain edema, 0.2 0.5 ml or more than 5% of the solution diluted in 20 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution is injected into the vein. Enter slowly, under the control of blood pressure and general condition. You can inject 0.5 - 2 ml of a 5% solution intramuscularly.

For controlled hypotension, enter into a vein before the operation of 0.8-1.2 ml of a 5% solution (40-60 mg), if necessary, administer additionally to a total dose of 120 to 180 mg (2, 4 to 3, 6 ml of a 5% solution) .

Higher doses for adults intramuscularly: single 0.15 g (3 ml of 5% solution), daily 0.45 g (9 ml of 5% solution).

Possible side effects and contraindications are the same as for the entire group of ganglion blocking drugs.

Form release: 5% solution in ampoules of 1 and 2 ml.

Storage: List B. In the dark place.