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Description of the medicine: Nicergoline (Nicergoline)

NICHERGOLIN (Nicergoline). 1, 6-Dimethyl-8b - (5-bromo-nicotinoyloxymethyl) -10a-methoxyergoline.

Synonyms: Nicotergoline, Sermionum, Dasovas, Dospan, Ergotop, Fisilax, Nargoline, Nicotergoline, Nimergoline, Sinscleron, Varsan and others.

White or white with a slightly yellowish tinge crystalline powder, Virtually nerastvorim in water, soluble in alcohol.

By chemical structure is an analog of ergot alkaloids, containing, in addition to the ergoline core, the bromine-substituted nicotinic acid residue (see).

Like the dihydrated derivatives of ergot alkaloids (see Dihydroergotamine, etc.), nicergoline has a-adrenoblocking effect. In addition, it has spasmolytic activity, especially pronounced with respect to the vessels of the brain and peripheral vessels, which may be due in some way to the presence of a nicotinic acid residue in its molecule.

Indications for the use of nicergoline are acute and chronic cerebral vascular disorders, especially with early impairments of cerebral circulation (including cerebral atherosclerosis, the consequences of cerebral thrombosis, etc.), migraine, vertigo (see also Flunarizine), peripheral circulatory disorders ( Arteriopathy of the extremities, Raynaud's disease, etc.), as well as diabetic retinopathy, ischemic lesions of the optic nerve, dystrophic diseases of the cornea of ​​the eye.

Take nicergoline (sermion) inside before meals in the form of tablets of 0.01 g (10 mg) 3 times a day. Treatment is carried out for a long time (2 - 3 months or more, depending on the severity of the disease, the effectiveness of treatment and tolerability). The effect develops gradually.

Possible side effects: hypotension, dizziness, gastrointestinal disorders, drowsiness or, conversely, sleep disorders, as well as redness of the skin of the face and upper body, itchy skin (see Nicotine Acid).

With the expressed side effects reduce the dose or stop taking the drug. With severe hypotension should take a recumbent position.

Product: tablets of 0.01 g (10 mg).

Storage: List B. In the dark place.