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Description of the medicine: Pyrroxanum

PYRROXANUM. 6- [4- (3-Phenylpyrrolidinyl-1) propionyl] -benzo-1,4-dioxane hydrochloride.

Synonym: Prorxan hydrochloride.

White or white with a slightly yellowish tinge crystalline powder, It is difficult to dissolve in water and alcohol. Aqueous solutions (pH 1% solution 4, 5 5, 8) are sterilized at +100 ° C for 30 minutes.

The drug has a-adrenoblocking effect and affects both peripheral and central adrenoreactive systems of the body.

Applied for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, which are based on a pathological increase in sympathetic tone, including with diencephalic and hypertensive crises and other manifestations of diencephalic sympathic-adrenal type. With hypersympathicotonia, the drug reduces mental tension, anxiety, and reduces itching in patients with allergic dermatoses.

Pyrroxane is also used as a preventive agent in overexciting the vestibular apparatus (in case of sea and air sickness and Meniere's syndrome); The effect, however, is more pronounced when combined with cholinolytics and antihistamines.

Assign also to reduce the effects of morphine and alcohol abstinence.

Enter inside, under the skin and intramuscularly. Inside appoint 0.015 0.03 g (1 - 2 tablets) 1 - 3 times a day; Parenterally, 1 to 3 ml of a 1% solution 1 to 3 times a day is administered.

For relief of diencephalic and hypertensive crises, it is recommended to inject 2 - 3 ml of a 1% solution under the skin or intramuscularly, and 1 to 2 tablets (0.015-0.03 g) orally 2-3 times a day should be prescribed for the prevention of crises.

For insomnia and itching dermatoses, it is recommended that 1 to 2 tablets (0.015-0.03 g) be prescribed at bedtime. For the prevention of air sickness take 1 - 2 tablets for 30 - 40 minutes before the flight.

With morphine abstinence, 3 ml of 1% solution is administered under the skin or intramuscularly or 3 tablets are given orally 3 times a day for 5 days.

With alcohol withdrawal, 3 ml of 1% solution 3 times a day is administered.

Higher doses for adults inside: single 0.06 g (60 mg), daily 0.18 g (180 mg); Parenteral: single 0.045 g (45 mg); Daily 0.09 g (90 mg).

Children dose is reduced depending on age; Children under the age of 6 months are not prescribed a drug.

With the use of the drug, lowering blood pressure, bradycardia, strengthening pain in patients with angina pain in the heart.

Contraindications: severe forms of atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease with angina attacks, cerebral circulation disorders, severe heart failure.

Forms of release: tablets of 0.015 g in a package of 30 pieces; 1% solution in 1 ml ampoules.

Storage: List B. In the dark place.

RR .: Tab. Rohrohani 0,015 N. ZO.

DS 1 tablet 3 times a day

RR: Sol. Rohrohani 1% 1 ml

Dtd in amull. N. 6
