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Description medications: Chamomile flowers (Flores Chamomillae Recutitatae)

Chamomile flowers (Flores Chamomillae Recutitatae).

Collected at the beginning of flowering and dried baskets of wild or cultivated annual herbaceous plant daisies pharmacy Marticaria resutita L. (syn .: Marticaria shamomilla L.), herewith. Asteraceae (Asteraseae). Contain ethereal oil (at least 0.3%), azulene, antemisovuyu acid, etc. glycoside.

Azulene has anti-inflammatory properties are also weakens allergic reactions, the regeneration processes. Isolated from chamomile substance - apigenin (5, 7, 4'-trihydroxy-flavone) - has antispasmodic action.

Apply chamomile flowers in the form of tea (brew 1 tablespoon of chamomile spoon in a glass of boiling water, cool, filter) or infusion administration (1 - 5 tablespoons 2 - 3 times a day) and enemas with intestinal cramps, flatulence and diarrhea. Inside are also as a diaphoretic. How weak antiseptic and astringent administered topically to rinse, lotions and bath.

Product: in cardboard packs of 100 g

Also produced briquettes chamomile flowers (round) - Vriketum flores Shamomillae - weighing 8 g (6 pieces per pack).

A preform is placed in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of hot boiled water; close lid and heated in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered, the remaining raw materials squeeze, bring boiled water to 200 ml.

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