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Description medicines: The roots of rhubarb (Radices Rhei)

Rhubarb (Radices Rhei).

Collected in autumn or early spring at the age of not less than 3 years old, peeled, cut into parts dried roots and rhizomes cultivated in our country Tangut rhubarb (Rheum palmatum L., var tanguticum Mahim) herbaceous perennial plant seeds. buckwheat (Rolugonaseae).

The roots and rhizomes of rhubarb contain antraglikozidy, tanoglikozidy, hrizofanovuyu acid, resin, pigments and other materials.

Antraglikozidy are ether-like compounds that form, after cleavage of sugar and other emodin derivatives of anthracene. The total content of the anthracene derivative in rhubarb roots is not less than 2% (based on istizin).

The main active ingredients are emodin (trioksimetilantrahinon) and hrizofanovaya acid (dioksimetilantrahinon). They irritate the intestines and cause interoreceptors increased peristalsis, thus providing a preferential effect on the colon and causing a more rapid emptying.

The laxative effect after taking the rhubarb drugs occurs within 810 hours. Slow action and pre-emptive effect on the colon is usually attributed to the fact that the collapse of antraglikozidov in the intestine occurs gradually and active substances accumulate in the amount necessary for the laxative effect, only when they reach the large intestine . Receptors colonic mucosa most sensitive and responsive to such concentrations emodin, which do not react intestinal receptors. Furthermore, antraglikozidy after absorption in the small intestine are converted in the body into emodin, which is released in the large intestine and increases peristalsis.

rhubarb drugs administered in powders, pills, decoction, alone and in combination with other substances as laxatives mainly in chronic (habitual) constipation. Usually they are recommended for the night, well tolerated and does not interfere with the absorption processes and the normal functioning of the small intestine. Contained in the plant resinous materials may have some irritating effect on the bowels.

Sometimes rhubarb drugs are taken in low doses (0.05 - 0.2 g) as binders, decreasing the intestinal peristalsis. Their effect is due to the presence of astringent tanoglikozidov being bound to proteins precipitated them, forming a precipitate, which protects the mucosal receptors.

Upon receipt of rhubarb drugs urine, sweat and milk of nursing mothers are painted in yellow color (the presence hrizofanovoy acid), which goes by the addition of alkali to red (education oksimetilantrahinonov).

Apply the following drugs rhubarb.

Rhubarb Powder (Rulvis radicis Rhei). The powder is a yellow-orange or red. Crunches on the teeth due to the content of calcium oxalate crystals.