Attention! The information is for reference purposes!
Before taking you should consult with a doctor!
SITE GUIDE ONLY. Not a pharmacy! We do not sell drugs! Nothing!

Description medicine: Thyme herb (Herba Thymi serpylli)

Thyme herb (Herba Thymi serpylli).
"Bogorodskaya grass."

Collected in the flowering stage and dried aerial parts of long-term shrub thyme (Thymus serrullum L.), herewith. yasnotkovyh (Lamiaseae). It grows throughout the European part of our country, in Siberia and the Caucasus. It contains essential oil (1%), tannins, and other bitter substances.

Apply a decoction, liquid extract orally as an expectorant and as an analgesic with radiculitis and neuritis.

Take as a tincture 10.0: 200.0 1 tablespoon 2 - 3 times a day or as a liquid extract (Ehtrastum Serpylli fluidum) 1 teaspoon W - 4 times a day.

Product: in bottles of 100 ml.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place.