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Description of the medicine: Kellin (Khellinum)

KELLIN (Khellinum). 2-Methyl-5, 8-dimethoxyfuro [4 ', 5': 6, 7] -chromone.

The natural compound contained in the seeds of the Ammi tooth plant (Ammi visnaga L.), cultivated in our country.

Synonyms: Amicardine, Amiptan, Ammikheline, Ammipuran, Ammispasmin, Ammivin, Benecardin, Chellina, Corafurone, Coronin, Interkellin, Khelfren, Khellinorm, Lynamin, Methafrone, Rykellin, Visammamix, Visammin, Viscardan, Visnagalin, Visnagen and others.

White or slightly yellowish crystalline powder without odor, bitter taste. Very little soluble in water, little - in alcohol.

Kellin has a general spasmolytic effect: relaxes the smooth muscles of the abdominal cavity, bronchi, moderately dilates the coronary vessels of the heart. Has some sedative effect.

The drug previously prescribed for bronchial asthma, spasms of the intestine and stomach, mild forms of angina (to prevent attacks, stopping effect does not have). Currently, it is not used as an independent tool; Is mainly used in combination tablets "Vikalin" (see Bismuth nitrate basic) and "Marelin" (see).

The previously produced kellin tablets "Kellatrin", "Kelverin" are excluded from the nomenclature of medicines.

It was also excluded from the nomenclature of medicines, the previously produced preparation of pastinacin - furocoumarin from the parsnip of the inoculum, close in action to the kellin.