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Description medicines: Ergotamine (Ergotamini hydrotartras)

Ergotamine. Available in the form of ergotamine tartrate (Ergotamini hydrotartras).

Synonyms: Kornutamin, Cornutamin, Ergotamine hydrotartrate, Ergotartrat, Femergin, Gynecorn, Gynergen, Gynofort, Secotamin, Synergan and others.

White or white to slightly greyish or kremovatym odorless crystalline powder. It is soluble in water and alcohol.

It enhances the rhythmic contractions of the uterus and improves its tone; compared with ergometrine acts more lasting, although the effect develops more slowly.

Apply in obstetric practice in the early postpartum period at hypo- and atonic bleeding, during and after cesarean section, uterine subinvolution after childbirth and abortion, heavy bleeding and dysfunctional uterine hemorrhages associated with uterine fibroids.

Assign inside of 10 - 15 drops of 0.1% solution (40 drops or 0.025% solution) or 1 tablet (coated tablets) by 0.001 g of 1 - 3 times a day.

Under the skin, and intramuscularly injected with 0.5 - 1, 0 ml (0.25 - 0.5 mg) 0.05% solution. In urgent cases, injected slowly into a vein 0.5 ml of a 0.05% solution.

In connection with the effect on the cerebral circulation ergotamine also used in the treatment of migraine.

Take 15 - 20 drops of 0.1% solution for a few hours before the expected attack. It is also possible seizure in the early phase of pain put 2 - 4 mg sublingual, then after 2 h - 2 mg to decrease pain, but not more than 10 mg per day. In severe migraine attack is administered 0.5 - 1, 0 ml of 0.05% solution intramuscularly.

Higher doses when administered: single 0.002 g (2 mg) daily 0.004 g (4 mg); intramuscularly and subcutaneously; job 0.0005 g (0.5 mg) daily 0.002 g (2 mg).

Ergotamine is not recommended for a long time (in order to avoid the phenomena of ergotism); after 7 days of treatment in cases requiring longer treatment, make a break (for 3 - 4 days).

In some cases, possible nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Contra-indications: angina, and peripheral vasoconstriction, the later stages of atherosclerosis and hypertension, pregnancy, septic conditions of the liver and kidneys.

issuance: 0.05% solution in ampoules of 1 ml (0.5 mg in 1 mL); 0.1% solution in vials of 10 ml (1 mg in 1 ml); tablets (dragees) of 0,001 g (1 mg).

Storage: List A. In the dark place at a temperature no higher than + 10 C.

Rp .: Sol. Ergotamini hydrotartratis 0,05% 1 ml

DtdN 3 in ampull.

By S. 0.5 - 1 ml of a muscle or under the skin

Rp .: Sol. Ergotamini hydrotartratis 0,1% 10 ml

DS Ingest 10 drops of 2 - 3 times per day

Rp .: Tab. Ergotamini hydrotartratis 0,001 N. 10

DS Ingest 1 tablet 2 - 3 times a day

Ergotamine is an integral part of the tablet "Kofetamin" (see. Caffeine) and <Belloidum> (see. Preparations of belladonna).