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Description of the medicine: Flumethasone pivalate (Flumethasoni pivalas)

FLUETHESONE PIVALATE (Flumethasoni pivalas). 6a, 9a-Difluoro-16 a-methylprednisolone 21-pivalate (i.e., trimethyl acetate).

By chemical structure and action is close to synaflan (fluocinolone acetonide). It contains two fluorine atoms in the molecule.

Is the active beginning of ointments << Locacorten >>, << Lorinden >>, << Locasalen >>.

The drug has a pronounced local anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic effect. Apply topically in the form of 0.02% ointment or cream for eczema, neurodermatitis, itching, inflammatory reactions of the skin and mucous membranes. The drug is rubbed thinly into the skin or mucous membranes 2 - 3 times a day; Course of treatment 1 - 2 weeks.

Contraindicated in skin tuberculosis, syphilitic skin lesions, skin reactions after vaccination. Do not use lacorten, with conjunctival lesions.

With infected skin lesions, Lococorten-H (Locacorten-H), an ointment containing 0.02% lokocorten and 0.5% neomycin sulfate, can be used.

Product: in tubes of 15 g.

Lorinden S. Ointment containing 0.02% flumethasone pivalate (lacorten) and 3% iodochlorooxyquinoline.

Iodochlorooxyquinoline, which is part of the preparation, has antimicrobial and antifungal effects (see Derivatives of 8-hydroxyquinoline).

The composition and action of the drug is close to the ointment <Lokakorten-vioform>.

Applied with impetigo, intertrigo, bacterial dermatitis, furunculosis and other skin diseases.

Contraindications are the same as for loccoten.

Product: in tubes of 15 g.

Produced in Poland.