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Description of the medicine: Corvalolum (Corvalolum)

CORVALOL (Corvalolum).

A combined preparation containing ethyl a-bromizovaleric acid ethyl ester of about 2%, phenobarbital 1, 82%, sodium hydroxide (to transfer phenobarbital to soluble phenobarbital sodium) about 3%, peppermint oil 0.14%, ethanol mixture 96% and Distilled water to 100%.

Colorless transparent liquid with a specific flavor.

The composition and action is similar to the foreign drug valocordin (see).

The a-bromoisovaleric acid ethyl ester, which is part of corvalol, is a sedative and antispasmodic agent acting like valerian extracts; In large doses also has a mild hypnotic effect. Phenobarbital sodium in doses entering the body when taking Corvalolum in usual doses (20 drops contain about 0.0075 g = 7.5 mg of phenobarbital), has a mild sedative and vasodilating effect without a noticeable hypnotic effect. Mint oil has a reflex vasodilator and spasmolytic effect.

Apply Corvalol with neuroses with increased irritability, indistinctly expressed spasms of coronary vessels, tachycardia, insomnia; In the early stages of hypertension, with intestinal spasms.

Assign inside (before meals) for 15 - 30 drops 2 - 3 times a day; With tachycardia and spasms of blood vessels, a single dose can be increased to 40-50 drops.

Corvalol is well tolerated; Even with prolonged use of the drug side effects are usually not noted. In some cases, drowsiness and light dizziness may occur during the day; With decreasing dose these phenomena pass.

The form of release: in bottles-droppers of orange glass to 15 ml.

Storage: List B. In a sheltered from light cool place (not above +15 C)

Rp .: Corvaloli 15 ml