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Description of the medicine: Reopoliglyukin (Rheopolyglucinum)

REOPOLYGLYUKIN (Rheopolyglucinum). 10% polymer solution of glucose-dextran (see Polyglucin) with a relative molecular weight of 30,000 to 40,000 with the addition of an isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Transparent colorless or slightly yellowish liquid. The relative viscosity at a temperature of + 25 ° C is not more than 5, 5.

Reopoliglyukin is a preparation of low molecular weight dextran. It reduces the aggregation of blood elements, facilitates the movement of fluid from tissues into the bloodstream. In this regard, the drug improves the suspension properties of blood, reduces its viscosity, promotes the restoration of blood flow in small capillaries, has a detoxification effect, prevents and reduces the aggregation of blood cells.

Reopoliglyukin, like polyglukin, is excreted from the body mainly by the kidneys, and in the first day about 70% is excreted.

Applied for violations of capillary blood flow, for the prevention and treatment of traumatic, surgical and burn shock, violations of arterial and venous circulation; For the treatment and prevention of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, endarteritis; At operations on heart spent with use of the device of an artificial circulation (for addition to a perfusion liquid); In vascular and plastic surgery to improve local circulation; For detoxification with burns, peritonitis, pancreatitis, etc.

Reopoliglyukin is prescribed for diseases of the retina and optic nerve (complicated myopia, retinal dystrophy, etc.), inflammatory processes of the cornea and the vascular membrane.

To prevent and treat violations of capillary blood flow associated with traumatic, surgical and burn shock, intravenous drip 400-1000 ml (up to 1500 ml) of rheopolyglucinum is used intravenously (for 30-60 min). In surgical interventions on the heart and vessels, intravenous drip of 10 ml / kg is administered before the operation, 400-500 ml during the operation and 10 ml / kg for 5 to 6 days after the operation.

In operations using the apparatus of artificial circulation, rheopolyglucose is added to the blood at a rate of 10-20 ml / kg. For detoxification inject intravenously 400 - 1000 ml. If necessary, it is possible to add 400-500 ml on the same day, and in the next 5 days 400 ml per day (drip) are administered.

Children with various forms of shock, administered to 5 - 10 ml / kg (up to 15 ml / kg) In cardiovascular operations, children under 2 to 3 years of age are administered 10 ml / kg 1 time per day (for 60 min) , Up to 8 years - 7-10 ml / kg (1 2 times a day), up to 13 years - 5-7 ml / kg (1-2 times a day), over 14 years - a dose for adults. For detoxification, administer 5 to 10 ml / kg for 60 to 90 minutes.

In dehydrated patients, it is advisable to add rats to the rheopolyglucose isotonic sodium chloride solution or 5% glucose solution.

With reduced filtration capacity of the kidneys or, if necessary, restrictions on the administration of sodium chloride, prescribe rheopolyglucose with glucose (see).