Attention! Information is for reference only!
Before taking the course, consult a doctor!
WEB SITE ONLY DIRECTORY. NOT PHARMACY! We do not sell medicines! None!

Description of the medicine: "Disol", "Trisol", "Acesol", "Khlosol", "Quartasol" solutions (Solutio "Disolum", "Trisolum", "Acesolum", "Chlosolum", "Quartasolum").

SOLUTIONS "DISOL", "TRISOL", "ATSESOL", "CHLOSOL", "QUARTASOL" (Solutio "Disolum", "Trisolum", "Acesolum", "Chlosolum", "Quartasolum").

All solutions are balanced combination preparations containing a solution of sodium chloride and other salts having medical application.

In 1 liter of disulant contains sodium chloride 6 g, sodium acetate 2 g; In 1 L trisol - sodium chloride 5 g, potassium chloride 1 g, sodium bicarbonate 1 g; In 1 liter of acesol - sodium chloride 5 g, potassium chloride 1 g, sodium acetate 2 g, 1 l chlosol - sodium chloride 4, 75 g, potassium chloride 1, 5 g, sodium acetate 3, 6 g; In 1 liter of quartrel - sodium chloride 4, 75 g, potassium chloride 1, 5 g, sodium bicarbonate 1 g, sodium acetate 2, 6 g.

All preparations are colorless transparent solutions of a slightly alkaline reaction.

Solutions have a hemodynamic effect, reducing hypovolemia, interfere with blood thickening and the development of metabolic acidosis, improve capillary blood circulation, increase diuresis, and exert detoxification effect.

They are used to combat dehydration and intoxication of the body for various diseases (acute dysentery, food poisoning, etc.), including cholera (El Tor).

Enter solutions intravenously (jet or drip) in quantities necessary to restore the volume of fluid lost with feces, vomit, urine and sweat.

When severe forms of the disease begin with a jet injection, then go to the drip.

Prior to the introduction of heated solutions up to +36; +38 С.

Of all the solutions mentioned, preference has recently been given to the new drug quiso.

When using trisol, acesol, hlosol, quartz, containing potassium ions, it is necessary to consider the possibility of developing hyperkalemia.

Product: in bottles of 100; 200 and 400 ml.

Storage: at room temperature.