Ingrown throat

The ingrown leg is the growth of the lateral edge of the nail plate under the nail roller. The reason for this is wearing a narrow shoe, improper cutting of the nail (the lateral surface is cut very shortly), flat feet. As a result, the lateral plate of the nail injures the skin roller, an inflammatory process develops.

Symptoms, course. Pain, lameness. When the infection occurs, purulent discharge from under the skin roller, excessive growth of granulations.

Treatment. Before suppuration and excessive growth of granulation, conservative treatment is possible; Cautiously bringing gauze strips moistened with alcohol, pores, the edge of the nail. Most often resort to surgical treatment. Under the conductor's local anesthesia, excess nail plate is excised, the nail matrix is ​​scraped with a sharp spoon or a pointed scalpel, and excess granulation is excised. With severe inflammatory conditions 2-3 days before the operation, you need baths with potassium permanganate, bandages with antibiotics or antiseptics (levomikol, dioxidin ointment).

The prognosis is favorable, but a relapse of the disease is possible.

Prevention: Do not wear narrow shoes.