Congenital holangiopatii newborns

Congenital holangiopatii newborns often called biliary atresia. One cause of this disease is hepatitis transferred in utero. For the disease characterized by the growth of jaundice shortly after birth, aholichny stools, dark urine. After 2-3 weeks after the birth, and there is an increase in liver progresses, seal it increases the spleen. Gradually develop cirrhosis and portal hypertension.

The differential diagnosis is carried out with transient hyperbilirubinemia, hemolytic jaundice, generalized cytomegaly, toxoplasmosis, a syndrome of "thickening of bile" (blockage of bile and mucus congestion of the bile ducts in hemolytic jaundice), congenital giant cell hepatitis.

One of the hallmarks of insolvency biliary tract function is a predominance of direct bilirubin in the blood tests. Intrauterine infection, accompanied by liver disease are excluded by means of serological tests and special tests, studies of specific enzymes. The differential diagnosis with the syndrome of "thickening of bile" is carried out by dissolving the purpose of magnesia, duodenal intubation under control duodenoscopy. In unclear cases, resorting to instrumental methods: laparoscopy and liver biopsy, ultrasound scan, the study of the degree of damage to hepatocytes and hemodynamics in portal vein using radioisotope methods.

Treatment of obstruction of bile ducts operative. When atresia biliary ducts, stenosis, cyst of common bile duct biliodigestive perform anastomoses with isolated loop Roux intestine. With a sharp underdevelopment of external bile ducts carry portogepatoeyunostomiyu Kasai, which slows the progression of biliary cirrhosis. All these operations give effect, if held up to 2 months of age.