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Postpartum pelvic peritonitis (pelvioperitonit)

Postpartum pelvic peritonitis (pelvioperitonit). Pathogens are microbes septic group, less gonococcus. The infection spreads mainly by lymphogenous from the uterus.

Often there is a complication salpingoophoritis. The defeat of the peritoneum results in the formation of serous or purulent exudate. The process tends to be limited to the pelvic area.

Symptoms within. There is a 1-2-weeks postpartum. Home Island: chills, fever, severe abdominal pain, flatulence, positive symptom Shchetkina - Blumberg. After a few days of the patient's condition improves in the lower abdomen starts palpable border furrow limiting inflammation in the pelvis. When vaginal study at the beginning of the disease is only a sharp pain posterior vaginal fornix. In the days that begins clearly palpable effusion, stick out the posterior fornix of the vagina in the form of a dome.

Treatment. Strict bed rest, ice on the lower abdomen, pain, desensitizing agents, antibiotics (in / m and through the posterior vaginal fornix by his puncture), a sulfonamide / drip of 5% glucose solution (1000- 1500 ml), vitamins, heart means . When protrusion posterior vaginal fornix and the accumulation of significant amounts of exudate-colpotomy and drainage. After calming down of the acute effects - physical therapy and spa treatment.

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