Postpartum sepsis

Postpartum sepsis develops on various days of the postpartum period. The onset is acute, the patient's condition is severe, high temperature of a constant or hectic type, a repeated chill, a frequent pulse, a darkened consciousness, a septic picture of blood, bacteremia. Of the internal organs, the lungs are most often affected (septic pneumonia). Severe kidney damage leads to acute renal failure. In the future, the clinical picture of the disease is determined by the localization of purulent foci (thrombophlebitis, diffuse peritonitis, etc.). The diagnosis is based on the clinical picture of the disease, blood test data, and the results of blood cultures (should be taken at the height of the chill). Differential diagnostics with acute extragenital infections is necessary.

Treatment. Careful care for the patient, full nutrition, rich in vitamins. Antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action (strings, ampicillin, vibramycin, kanamycin and before.) Are administered iv with 5% glucose solution (up to 2000- 2500 ml / day). B group vitamins, ascorbic acid, detoxification agents (40% glucose solution, polyglucin), dry plasma, cardiovascular drugs (see also Principles of sepsis treatment).