Achilles of the stomach functional

Achilles of the stomach functional - a condition characterized by a temporary depression of gastric secretion without an organic lesion of the secretory apparatus of the stomach.

Etiology, pathogenesis: depression, intoxication, severe infectious disease, hypovitaminosis, nervous and physical fatigue, etc. Apparently, in some individuals, functional achilia and hypochilia are associated with a congenital weakness of the secretory apparatus of the stomach. Functional achilias are observed in patients with thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus. As a rule, functional ahiliya is a temporary state. However, with prolonged inhibition of the nervous-glandular apparatus of the stomach, organic changes develop in it.

Symptoms, course. Flows asymptomatically or manifests itself in a decrease in appetite, in rare cases, with mild dyspepsia, poor tolerance of certain types of food (milk), inclinations to diarrhea.

Distinguish the state of achlorhydria (absence of free hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice) and achilles, in which pepsin is absent in the gastric juice. The study of gastric juice with the so-called submaximal (histamine at a dose of 0.008 mg / kg) and maximal stimulants of gastric secretion (histamine dihydrochloride at a dose of 0.032 mg / kg p / c with preliminary administration of antihistamines, pentagastrin at a dose of 6 mg / kg p / Insulin - 12-15 units) allows us to establish the functional (reversible) or organic nature of the Achilles. In a number of cases, it is possible to establish the presence of acidic active gastric juice only with intragastric parietal pH-metry. Aspiration and sight biopsy of the gastric mucosa does not reveal inflammatory and atrophic changes in it.

Treatment. It is necessary to eliminate the factors leading to the development of functional ahiliya. With neurogenic achilles - they establish a mode of work and rest, regular food, prescribe extractive felic substances, vitamins, bitterness.