Mukocele (piocele) of the frontal sinus

Mukocele (piocele) of the frontal sinus is a cystic enlargement of the paranasal sinuses. Closure of the outlet hole is most often due to trauma, less often a tumor, a highly located curvature of the nasal septum. The accumulated contents in the bosom leads to thinning and stretching of the bone walls; It is more often mucous, less often purulent.

Symptoms, course. The disease is asymptomatic at first; In some cases there is a progressive headache mainly in the forehead. When the frontal sinus is affected, the eyeball is shifted downward and outward, with the mucocele of the latticular sinus - forward and outward, and with the defeat of the main sinus - forward. Then develop lacrimation, atrophy of the optic disc, sometimes ulceration of the cornea. Skin over the tumor is not changed. With pressure, a parchment crunch is heard. With a diagnostic purpose, diaphanoscopy, radiography is used.

Treatment is surgical.