
Brucellosis - zoonotic infectious and allergic disease characterized by general intoxication, lesions of the musculoskeletal system, nervous and reproductive systems.

Etiology, pathogenesis. 6 known species of Brucella. The most important are Brucella goats and sheep, then - Brucella in cattle and pigs. The causative agent is stable in the environment and in food products (milk, cheese). Infection occurs through the alimentary or through the skin microdamages (during relief hotels, lambing, and so on. D.). Pathogen hematogenically distributed throughout the body, leading to allergopatii and formation of lesions in various organs and systems.

Symptoms within. The incubation period lasts from 6 to 30 days. Brucellosis is characterized by polymorphism of clinical manifestations. Some infected arises primary latent form without clinical symptoms, manifested only by immunological reactions. In others the disease is acute (ostrosepticheskoy) or chronic (primary chronic and secondary metastatic chronic metastatic) forms. After the disappearance of the clinical symptoms (while maintaining Brucella in the body) disease passes into the secondary latent form, which is the weakening of the body may again deteriorate and go back to one of the chronic forms.

Ostrosepticheskaya form of brucellosis is characterized by high fever (up to 40g. C), in which the health of patients remains good (sometimes they even retain the ability to work). There have been moderate headache, repeated chilling, excessive sweating. Moderately increased all groups of peripheral lymph nodes (mikropoliadenit), liver and spleen. In chronic forms, against the background of low grade (less febrile) temperature and Reticuloendotheliosis (mikropoliadenit, enlarged liver and spleen) there are various organ changes. Often affects the large joints (periarthritis, arthritis, bursitis), muscles (myositis), the peripheral nervous system (mono- and polyneuritis, radiculitis, plexites), reproductive system (orchitis, oophoritis, endometritis, spontaneous abortions). The course of chronic brucellosis long, exacerbation are replaced by remissions. In some patients, and after the reorganization of the organism from Brucella can be persistent residual effects (residual brucellosis).

At diagnostics take into account the epidemiological background, and the characteristic clinical manifestations. Differentiate needed from sepsis, malaria, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis. Of the specific methods used reaction Wright Heddlsona, intradermal allergy test with brucellin (Burne test).

Treatment. When the main form is ostrosepticheskoy ztiotropnaya therapy, which lasts up to 3-4 weeks. Prescribe antibiotics tetracycline group, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, rifampin. In chronic forms of the complex of restorative therapeutic interventions in combination with vaccine therapy. Spa treatment is possible not earlier than 6 months after the disappearance of clinical symptoms of brucellosis. Weather favorable for life, but the disease often leads to partial disability.

Prevention. The fight against brucellosis farm animals. Antibrucellar vaccination of persons at risk.