Tic douloureux

Trigeminal neuralgia. Polyetiology disease; unknown pathogenesis.

Symptoms within. Short (1-2 min) paroxysms of severe pain in the cheek, upper and lower jaw, rarely in the frontal bone; the presence of trigger points, a touch which naturally provokes an attack of pain; painful exit points of the branches of nerve V; no objective fallout in the area of ​​pain. Most neuralgia occurs in people older than 40 years. The clinical picture allows you to easily distinguish idiopathic neuralgia from many other prosopalgia (disease sinuses teeth, acute attack of glaucoma, sympathalgia, migraine neuralgia, etc.).

Treatment. Finlepsinum 3-5 tablets per day. With the ineffectiveness of finlepsin - other anticonvulsants (phenytoin) and baclofen. In the most resistant sluchayah- alcoholism corresponding branch of the trigeminal nerve.

Forecast. In 70% of cases it is possible to eliminate the pain of constant reception finlepsin.