Poliradiculoneuropathy acute demyelinating Guillena-Baree

Poliradiculoneuropathy acute demyelinating Guillain-Bare. Etiology, pathogenesis. Selective demyelination of the roots of the spinal cord, apparently, an autoimmune nature.

Symptoms, course. The acute development of asymmetric flaccid paralysis, which equally spreads both distal and proximal parts of the limbs, a slight expression of sensory disorders and an increased protein content in the cerebrospinal fluid. Often the paralyzes embrace the respiratory and cranial muscles, mainly mimic and bulbar (the ascending paralysis of Landry). Acute polyradiculoneuropathy either proceeds as an independent disease, or occurs as a complication of various pathological processes.

Treatment. Plasmapheresis multiple, start early. Large doses of glucocorticoid hormones inside (up to 80-120 mg / day of prednisolone). In the acute stage of the disease, careful monitoring of the state of respiratory functions, swallowing is necessary, and therefore urgent hospitalization of all patients with acute polyneuropathy is necessary in the departments where there are devices for artificial ventilation.

The prognosis of the idiopathic form is approximately 50% of cases favorable; Even in the presence of acute tetraplegia with paralysis of the respiratory and bulbar musculature, complete recovery is possible (one of the names of the disease is acute curable polyradiculoneuritis with protein-cell dissociation). However, paralysis of the respiratory muscles and intercurrent infections sometimes lead to death.