
Psychopathy - characteristics innate persistent storage card, preventing the full adaptation to the environment. There are also acquired psychopathic condition due to organic lesions of the central nervous system and other disorders. Psychopaths distinguished not only by the nature of disharmony, but also significantly greater (compared with the rest of the people), vulnerability, susceptibility to the influence of a number of internal (biological-age crises, labor and others.) Somatogenic, psychogenic and social factors. These properties are due to the diversity and dynamics of psychopathy, which are the main types of phase and pathological response (within the past considered pathological development). There are many classification of psychopathy. In Soviet psychiatry distinguish the following main types of psychopathy: schizoid, psychasthenic, asthenic, affective, paranoid, hysterical, excitable, and emotionally obtuse.

Schizoid psychopaths - unsociable, preferring solitude, the so-called autistic person, avoiding the expression of feelings; often they are inherent self-centeredness, dry and official contacts with people. Among them are cold nature, steep, and even cruel. The basis of the schizoid temperament is a combination of excessive sensitivity and cold (psihoesteticheskaya proportion).

Psychasthenic psychopaths distinguishes the tendency to doubt, lack of confidence in the internal sense the truth and correctness of their judgments and actions, indecision in choosing a course of conduct. These people are honest, exaggerated detailed, providing in every detail, pedants, disturbing about any deviations from the form and the established order.

Asthenic psychopaths are peculiar to the general nervous weakness, timidity, excessive sensitivity and sensibility, found primarily in unusual beyond everyday situations. A distinctive feature is astenikov fatigue. In the process of work requiring exertion, they quickly arise confusion, impaired concentration.

Affective personality cycloid psychopaths-circle, sociable, friendly, good-natured. One of the main features is their emotional lability, mood instability, sometimes reaching levels outlined affective disorders (mood phases).

Paranoid psychopaths - people unilateral, but persistent affects, taking precedence over logic and reason, capricious, lack of candor, cruel and despotic. They are suspicious, constantly waiting for a dirty trick on the part of others, prone to overvalued ideas. Depending on the latest topics distinguish jealous, barrator, reformers, religious fanatics, and others.

Hysterical psychopaths distinguishes desire to appear more significant than they really are, to experience more than they are able to survive. Hysterical psychopaths use every opportunity to be the center of attention; This serves not only eccentricity in clothing, but also demonstrative behaviors; Such people tend to boast, imitation, fiction, lies, frivolous actions, various adventures. They dominated moodiness, stubbornness, resentment, and the different autonomic and hysterical paroxysms (cramps, aphonia, tremor of fingers, etc.).

Excitable and adjoining emotionally stupid psychopaths -lichnosti quick-tempered, irritable, lacking compassion, brutal and grim. The most typical forms of reaction to them - temper tantrums, rage, affective discharges arising from any, even insignificant occasion, sometimes accompanied by affective narrowing of consciousness and rapid motor excitation.

Psychopathy is necessary to differentiate from the current progression of disease and postprotsessualnyh The station cial conditions. Psychopathy is not characteristic manifestations of great dynamism, accompanied by the expansion of the clinical picture, the emergence of new disorders, falling productivity and mental health. Enough reliable support to reject the diagnosis of psychopathy is the presence in the clinical picture even rudimentary symptoms of endogenous psychosis, organic phenomena psihosindroma, epileptic paroxysms and signs of dementia.

psychopathy Treatment should begin in childhood. It includes a number of medical and educational measures aimed at correcting the psychotic manifestations; drug therapy plays a secondary role. In periods of decompensation, along with pedagogical influence held psychological and occupational therapy, and treatment with psychotropic drugs. The most effective tranquilizers (diazepam, oxazepam, hpoodiazepoksid, elenium, Phenazepamum) and antipsychotics (neuleptil, triftazin, stelazin, haloperidol, eglonil).

Forecast psychopathy determined with caution. Under favorable conditions, there is often persistent and prolonged disability compensation with preservation. However, in times of crises of age, as well as in connection with psychogenic and somatogenic effects possible pathological dynamics.

Psychopathy Prevention starts with the right maternity and other measures carried out in the antenatal period. Subsequently, the management is of great importance in the education of the family and school, providing with respect to the so-called difficult children to a number of social and educational measures.