
Athlete - a fungal disease of the skin. There are jock itch and athlete's foot.

Inguinal epidermofmtiya. Vozbuditel- Epidermophyton floccosum strikes the stratum corneum. Source- sick person. Dispatched usually in care items: bedpans, washcloths, sponges, oilcloth and other predisposing factors -high temperature and high humidity environment;. hyperhidrosis. There are hospital-endemic. There is a predominantly male. The usual localization - large folds, especially inguinal-femoral and mezhyagodichnoy; may result in other parts of the skin and nails stop. Inflammatory patches of rounded shapes, a red-brown color are arranged, usually symmetrical, clearly demarcated from the surrounding skin puffy paint roller covered with small vesicles, pustules, crusts and scales. As a result, the growth of peripheral spots may merge with each other, forming large foci scalloped shape. Current chronic. Subjectively, itching, burning, pain, especially when walking.

Treatment. Lorinden-C mikozolon, especially in acute phenomena, 5-10% sulfur-tar ointment; Wilkinson ointment; 2% iodine tincture.

Athlete's foot. The share among its foot mycoses in recent years has considerably decreased. Pathogen - Tr. mentagrophytes var. interdigitale; located in the horny and granular layers of the epidermis, sometimes penetrating to the styloid, has pronounced allergenic properties. It affects only the skin and nails stop, usually in adults; often accompanied by allergic rashes, epidermofitidami. Erased (initial) form is characterized by small cracks in the skin interdigital folds feet and poor scaling. Squamous form is characterized by peeling plate on the soles and interdigital folds, sometimes on a background of redness; significant layering tightly seated scales may resemble callosity. Disgidroticheskaya form is characterized by groups of bubbles with a tight lid and, sometimes coalescing into larger multi-chamber blisters on the soles, especially in the vaults. At autopsy found oozing erosion fragments of the stratum corneum on the periphery. Sometimes, more often in the summer, Disgidroticheskaya athlete takes an unusually acute. On the bright erythematous and edematous skin of the feet appear large bubbles and blisters; join lymphangitis and lymphadenitis; possible common disorders and generalized epidermofitidy (so-called acute athlete Pidvysotsky). Intertriginoznoy (oprelovidnaya) form is localized in the interdigital folds with frequent transition to adjacent areas of the soles of flows by type of diaper rash (maceration, weeping erosions, crusts, scales, cracks), differing from it by sharp edges on the periphery of the peeling of the horny layer of the epidermis.

When athlete's nails (usually affects the nails of fingers 1 and V) have yellow spots and stripes, slowly increasing, joined subungual hyperkeratosis, deformation and destruction of the nail.

Subjectively: when worn and squamous athlete - itching; when disgidroticheskoy and intertriginoznoy - itching, burning and soreness. Current chronic with exacerbations are usually in the warmer months, especially when walking in closed shoes and synthetic socks and stockings.

The diagnosis should always be confirmed by mycological examination.

Treatment. Ostrovospalitelnye eliminate the phenomenon on the principles of treatment of acute eczema, prescribed antifungal drugs (alcohol solution of aniline dyes, liquid Castellani, Krichevsky and carefully; nitrofungin; ointment - "mikoseptin", "Mikozolon", "Kanesten", 5-10% sulfur-tar, Wilkinson ); "Detachment" on Arievich and Sheklakovu. Nail Treatment should be in mycological offices. In severe sluchayah- hospitalization.

Prediction, prevention cm. Rubrofitii.