Treatment of osteochondrosis with folk remedies

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Osteochondrosis is a dystrophic process in bone and cartilaginous tissue, mainly intervertebral discs, popularly called "salt deposition".

The causes of the disease - the deposition of calcium compounds, not absorbed by bone tissue due to deterioration of bone supply, caused by weakness, curvature of the spine, a decrease in the distance between individual vertebrae.

Manifestations of osteochondrosis. If the violations occurred in the cervical vertebrae, headaches, dizziness, pain in the neck, arms, worsening cerebral circulation. If the changes occur in the thoracic part of the spine, there are pains in the heart, stomach, intestines. Violations in the lumbar vertebrae give pain in the lower back and legs, there may be seizures of the calf muscles, there are problems with the bladder, prostate gland, gynecological and other diseases.

Folk remedies for the treatment of osteochondrosis:
  • Prepare the following composition: birdwort - 4 tablespoons, field horsetail, wild strawberries (leaf), pharmacy cake - 2 tablespoons, barberry ordinary - 1 tablespoon. For 1 liter of boiling water, take 3 tablespoons of the collection. Take 100 ml 6 times a day. Or: for 800 g of alcohol, insist 6 tablespoons of the collection. Take 25 drops 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 30 days, then take a break for 14 days and repeat again. Simultaneously with this treatment it is necessary to do unloading days, medical gymnastics. Applied with osteochondrosis of the spine or exchange of polyarthritis.
  • Mix the ingredients in the recommended quantities: the snake mountaineer - 1 tablespoon, celery odor (root), lemon balm, tri-divided string, cowberry (leaf), cinnamon (root) - 2 tablespoons. For 0.8 liters of boiling water, take 6 tablespoons of the collection. Take 50 ml 6 times a day. Or: for 0.5 liter of alcohol, insist 6 tablespoons of the collection. Take 25 drops 4 times a day. Simultaneously, massage, rubbing the tincture. Applied for severe osteochondrosis of the spine or exchange of polyarthritis.
  • 100 g of cranberry leaves insist 2 hours in 2.5 liters of boiling water, filter, to add 1.25 glasses of 40% alcohol to infusion. Then, not bringing to a boil, 15 minutes are pressed on low heat. Drink 0.5 glasses 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. The course of treatment is 6 months.
  • Stinging nettle (juice) - 1 part, honey - 1 part, 96% alcohol - 1 part. Freshly squeezed juice mixed with alcohol, add honey, stir well and keep in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Take 2 tablespoons 30 minutes before meals.
  • 5 g root lovage drug is poured a glass of water, bring to a boil. They boil for 10-15 minutes, insist 2-3 hours and filter. Drink when depositing salts for 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals.
  • 2 tablespoons hepar leaves pour 1 liter of water, boil for 10-15 minutes on low heat, insist the night and filter. They drink like tea during the day. The course of treatment - 3 months, then break 2-3 weeks and repeat the course.
  • With the deposition of salts, celery is doing very well. It is also useful because it contains a huge amount of vitamins. Infusion is prepared from the roots: 3-4 g of minced raw pour 1 liter of slightly cooled boiling water, leave it for 8 hours and strain. Take 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day. You can drink fresh juice from the roots of celery. He is drunk 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. Monthly course can be repeated after a break of 2-3 weeks.
  • Pine nut and clean them and fill them with 1/3 of a half-liter bottle. Pour a bottle of alcohol. Leave to stand for 3-4 weeks. The color of the tincture should be brown. Take in the mornings: for 0.5 glasses of cold water 5 drops of tincture. The course of treatment is 3-4 to 6 months.
  • When salt is deposited in the spine, an alcoholic tincture of fresh agave leaves (3 times a day for 20 drops) is applied in the neck region.
  • Prepare the following composition: horse chestnut - 3 tablespoons, American agave - 100 g, camphor oil - 50 g, lard inner pork unsalted - 50 g, turpentine peeled - 30 g, vodka - 200 g. All combine, insist for 9 days In a dark place. Then apply a thin layer on the black bread and attach to the sore spot. If it burns, remove and after a while apply again. If it's warm, do not take it off. Apply with spondylosis, osteochondrosis of the spine.
  • 1 head garlic and 1 lemon carefully wash, grate (lemon together with peel), pour 1 liter of warm boiled water, leave for 2 days in a tightly closed container, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for osteochondrosis, sclerosis of the vessels of the brain.
  • Walnut (young shoots) - 3 tablespoons, parv-sedum - 3 tablespoons, a drop of medicinal - 2 tablespoons, arnica - 1 tablespoon. For 1 liter of boiling water, take 3 tablespoons of the collection. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Or: for 0.8 liters of alcohol, insist 6 tablespoons of the collection. Take 30 drops 3 times a day. It is desirable to rub the tincture into the joint or to do with the tincture of the back massage. Applied with exchange of polyarthritis or osteochondrosis, which occurred mainly after injury.

Diet. In the complex treatment of spinal osteochondrosis, rational nutrition plays an important role. There should be small portions, preferably 6 times a day: breakfast at 7-8 hours, lunch at 11 o'clock, lunch at 14 o'clock, lunch at 17 o'clock, dinner at 7 o'clock, at 21 o'clock it's useful to drink a glass Curdled milk or fermented milk, eat a little prune or apple. Contraindicated grapes, legumes (peas, beans, beans, lentils), concentrated broths, jellies, chilli, jellied meat and fish, salad greens and sorrel.
If you limit the cooked food in your diet, the salts will not accumulate so much in the body, since it is the cooked food that gives the deposition of salts. And as you know, oxalic salts are dissolved only by oxalic acid, which is formed in the body when digesting raw vegetables and fruits.
A rice diet helps, even in neglected cases: it is not burdensome and very useful (see the description of the rice diet in the "Arthritis" section).