Treatment of scarlet fever folk remedies

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Scarlet fever - Acute infectious disease with a characteristic rash, purulent-septic and allergic complications, as well as a disease of the larynx. If other manifestations of symptoms are not clear, scarlet fever is often mistaken for a sore throat, while a patient with this course of the disease is especially dangerous as a source of infection. Children are more often ill from 1 year to 9 years. Scarlet fever is much more dangerous than measles. During severe epidemics without medical assistance, a large number of fatalities are possible.

The causative agent of scarlet fever is streptococcus. The infection is transmitted from the sick person to healthy small sprays of saliva during conversation, coughing, sneezing, and also through a third person (a person in contact with the patient) and through objects (toys, dishes, etc.). The patient is contagious during the entire period of the illness; The patient who has recovered may be a carrier for another month or more, especially if his nasopharynx and yawn are inflamed or he suffers from complications with purulent discharge. Having recovered from scarlet fever, he retains immunity to her. The incubation period is 1-11 days (usually 3-6 days).
The onset of the disease is acute. Chill with a temperature of 39-40 ° C and above. The onset of fever is accompanied by a severe headache, often with vomiting, sometimes with delirium and cramps in children. Pulse 140 beats per minute or more, breathing becomes faster. In the throat, burning begins, swallowing is difficult. Swollen glands under the lower jaw, painful to open the mouth. By the end of the first or on the second day there is a small-point rash in the armpits, inguinal areas, on the neck, in the popliteal and ulnar folds. The scarlet fever has the appearance of purple-red spots (skin like sprayed), surrounded by belts. Nasolabial triangle is pale, without rash, clearly stands out against the background of bright areas of the skin. The rash lasts from several hours to several days.
Sometimes the first painful phenomena begin only with a rash. With the appearance of a rash, swallowing becomes even more difficult, the redness of the pharynx increases, sometimes it seizes the entire oral cavity. The coated tongue (crimson-red with enlarged papillae) is cleared after a few days.
On the 2-3rd day after the rash, the highest temperature is, and then gradually falls. Since the end of the first week of the illness, the rash starts to turn pale, the fever and all manifestations of the disease weaken. If complications occur, the temperature can stay high for several weeks. Peeling begins a few days after the disappearance of the rash. It can last for days and weeks.
Sometimes, at the 3rd-4th week of the disease, there is a return (relapse) of almost disappeared manifestations of scarlet fever (rash, inflammation of the larynx, fever).
In view of the fact that the disease is very contagious, at the first suspicion it is necessary to isolate the patient and disinfect everything that was with him in contact. Dressing the patient should be warm enough to not catch a cold. Even a mild cold can cause complications. Keep the mouth, mouth and nose clean. Sometimes the result of scarlet fever can be a general exhaustion of the body. To avoid this, you should give the patient a food rich in vitamins.
No matter how the disease proceeds, the child must necessarily be in bed for 7-10 days. The face and hands of the child should be washed daily. The mouth should be rinsed 2 times a day with a gently pink aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (manganese). In the treatment of scarlet fever, antibiotics are usually used. But the doctor must decide this. It is necessary to monitor the amount of urine and its color. If the baby urinates a little or the color of the urine becomes reddish or brown, then from the last portion of the urine, leave a small amount and show the doctor. To prevent kidney disease, a dairy diet is recommended.
The dishes of the child are washed separately in a 2% solution of soda (1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water) and then they are boiled. Clean dishes and a bowl in which dishes are washed, should stand in the patient's room.
Lingerie soaked for 2 hours in a 2% solution of soda, after which it is boiled and washed. Sex in the patient's room 2 times a day, wipe with a cloth moistened with 2% solution of salt or 0.5% solution of chloramine (5 teaspoons of chloramine per 0.5 buckets of water).
The question of hospitalization of the patient is decided by the doctor. Isolation of the patient both in the hospital and at home continues for at least 10 days. The doctor, depending on the patient's condition, may extend this period. The most frequent complications are inflammation of the lymph nodes, middle ear, kidneys and heart muscle. After scarlet fever, children can get rheumatism.
Children who did not suffer from scarlet fever, but who communicated with the patient, are not admitted to pre-school institutions and the first two classes of the school within 7 days from the moment of isolation of the patient.

Tips for treating scarlet fever

  • With a slow or insufficient rash, put on the chest and stomach mustard plasters, rub the body with wine or peppers, give a warm lime tea.
  • From a pain in a throat it is best to put on a neck a warming compress. The mouth and throat can be rinsed with a warm sage infusion.
  • With inflammation of the eyes - constantly apply a cold lotion.
  • In the presence of convulsions, headache, faintness and even unconsciousness - put ice on your head, pour it with cold water.
  • If possible, give a laxative and make a warm bath.
  • If the cervical glands are swollen, it is recommended: fold a thick compress, dip it into hot water (60-70 ° C) with vinegar, squeeze it well, wrap the patient's neck with it, and wrap it around with something warm. Change every 15-20 minutes, not letting it cool.
  • When stitching in the ears, put in the ear cotton wool, moistened with a mixture of glycerin and carbolic (proportion - 1 part of carbolic acid per 10 parts of glycerin). In the absence of this composition, you can moisten cotton wool with warm olive oil or some other vegetable oil. You can also use camphor oil, but it should be used carefully, since after camphor it is easy to get a cold ear.
  • If the rash is very slow and bad, then it is very dangerous. It is necessary to strengthen the rash, why wet the sheet in warm water with salt and vinegar, squeeze it well, wrap the baby in it, lay it on the bed and cover with a cotton blanket or something very warm, and leave to lie for an hour and a half. Then carefully, so as not to catch a cold, change it into dry linen. The rash after this procedure will appear soon and abundantly.

Means used in people for the treatment of scarlet fever

  • Bedrenetz saxifrage. One tablespoon of roots for 500 ml of water. Cook for 10-15 minutes. On low heat. Infuse, wrapped, 4 hours, drain. Take 1 / 3-1 / 2 cup 3-4 times a day.
  • Valerian is a medicinal. One tablespoon of dry rhizomes per 1 cup of cold boiled water. Infuse in a closed vessel for 12 hours, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. Powder from the roots take 1-2 grams per reception, no more than 3-4 grams per day.
  • Parsley. One teaspoon of chopped roots brew 1 cup of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  • Mixture. Take 1 glass of lemon, cranberry or better cowberry juice, warm and drink in small sips. The second glass of warm juice gargle every half hour. In the squeezes pour 1 glass of alcohol, apply a compress on the throat.

As claimed, the disease is cured in 3 days.