Top 10 products for a flat stomach

Топ-10 продуктов для плоского живота

For people who work hard on their physical form, the issue of nutrition matters not least.

After all, it is not enough to choose the right set of exercises, you need to think about your diet in detail and adhere to it.

It is impossible to admit, that the wrong food has brought to nothing all your diligence.

These 10 products can be used safely if you work on the muscles of the press.

They not only will not harm, but even help to achieve the desired result more quickly and effectively.

Almond nuts

Топ-10 продуктов для плоского живота Миндальные орехи

These delicious nuts are a rich source of fiber and protein, and also contain vitamin E and antioxidants. Moreover, with almonds we get magnesium, which is simply necessary for the body to produce energy, build muscle tissue and regulate blood sugar levels. When the sugar level is normal, a person does not overeat, and the body does not accumulate fats. For maximum effect, eat about 23 walnuts a day.


Топ-10 продуктов для плоского живота Яйца

This product is the best source of protein. It also contains amino acids that are indispensable for the construction of muscle tissue and the production of chemicals in the brain. In addition, that eggs are very useful, they are also extremely nourishing. You have more chances to hold out until dinner, if you eat a couple of eggs for breakfast than fast carbohydrates in the form of cookies or bagels. But best of all there is 1 egg per day.

Soya beans

Топ-10 продуктов для плоского живота Соевые бобы

Soybeans are an excellent source of protein, fiber and antioxidants. Dried beans can be bitten, peeled "Edamame" add to the soup or put a little tofu in the morning smoothie. Liquid soy is also suitable as a substitute for food. Studies have shown that those who drink dietary cocktails based on soy milk lose more weight than those who drink drinks based on ordinary milk. You need to drink 25 grams of whole soy protein a day. This is about a cup of stewed "Edamame" or 300 grams of tofu.


Топ-10 продуктов для плоского живота Яблоки

Studies were carried out for 3 months in two groups of losing women. Those who consumed 3 apples or pears a day lost more weight than their opponents who ate fruit instead of oatmeal cookies. A large apple contains 5 grams of fiber, but it is 85% water, which allows this fruit to perfectly satisfy both hunger and thirst. Eat one or two apples a day.


Топ-10 продуктов для плоского живота Ягоды

Berries are a rich source of fiber. They contain a large number of antioxidants, which not only protect against chronic diseases, but can also help you increase the effectiveness of training. Antioxidants improve blood circulation, which is useful for muscles. Eat at least half a cup of berries a day, it's 30 calories. Choose a variety of berries - raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, gooseberries, currants and others.


Топ-10 продуктов для плоского живота Зелень

One cup of spinach contains only 40 calories, and broccoli - 55, so their use will necessarily have a positive effect on the size of your waist. Out of this amount of greenery, the body will receive not only 20% of the daily dose of fiber, but also cancer-preventing substances - carotenoids. And the calcium contained in the green will benefit your muscles.


Топ-10 продуктов для плоского живота Йогурт

Yogurt is an excellent source of calcium for the body. Also, he puts in order the digestive system, allowing to avoid discomfort, swelling or frustration. Eat 1 to 3 cups of low-fat (or fat-free) yogurt per day. Give preference to unsweetened yogurt with active cultures. For a better taste, you can add fruit to it.

Vegetable soup

Топ-10 продуктов для плоского живота Овощной суп

Another study of the effect of nutrition on the process of losing weight has shown that the use of soups based on broth or cream with low fat is much better for the figure than if you eat the same amount of calories in the form of snacks. Also in the soup can add the necessary vegetables and get a large amount of vitamins. Eat at least one cup of low-fat vegetable soup a day.


Топ-10 продуктов для плоского живота Лосось

Seafood, especially fish, is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. They improve metabolism and help burn fat more efficiently. They also slow down digestion and discourage excessive cravings for food. If you do not like seafood, you can replace them with flax seeds or walnuts.

Quinoa (cereals)

Топ-10 продуктов для плоского живота Лебеда (крупа)

It is also called movie. Half a cup of this cereal contains 11 grams of protein. The swan is cooked like any other cereal, although some brands say it needs to be washed. The taste of the quinoa resembles a nut, and the texture is something between crunchy and chewing. Take at least half a cup a day.

These 10 useful products will help you plan your diet so that training for the press or other muscles will bring the maximum benefit. Applying the right diet in combination with competent physical activity, you are without doubt on the right path and your flat stomach and aspen waist is not far off. Put a little effort, and the result will not take long!

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