Treatment with natural herbal remedies - the letter "C"



Almost in all countries there was a belief that the root of chicory can make a person invisible. What it is based on is difficult to explain. Still believed that if you dig out the root on July 25 and tie it to the staff, then it will protect you from the knife and bullets in the most difficult way.
There were no beliefs around this beautiful plant. In one of the ancient medical centers it says: the root can serve as a powerful remedy against spoiling, but it needs to be collected with appropriate ceremonies: on the birthday of John the Baptist, before sunrise, kneeling, touching the root with gold and silver, and then with the sword Judas Maccabees with vows, spells tear out of the earth.
It is difficult in our time to get the sword of Judas Maccabee (probably not even in the Historical Museum). Therefore, digging in the fall in peasants, forks and shovels. By the way, before the First World War, Russia exported up to 400 poods of dry medicinal root abroad. The center of production was the Yaroslavl Province.
Chicory is known to us primarily as a substitute for coffee. By the way, if every morning on an empty stomach to drink a cup of chicory with honey and lemon - you (even with the location to it) will not develop hypertension.
In people, decoction of roots and infusion of herbs are used in case of decay, jaundice and hepatitis, gallstone disease, ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, allergies, eczema, furunculosis, enlarged spleen, nephritis and other kidney diseases, urinary incontinence. Infusion of flowers calms the central nervous system, increases the activity of the heart, slows down its rhythm.
Fresh infusion of herbs and decoction of roots lowers the level of sugar in the blood and is a natural, almost non-toxic remedy - very promising in the treatment of diabetes mellitus and mild.
In addition, chicory manifests a thyreostatic effect, beneficially affecting the thyroid gland.
I have noticed for a long time that chicory does not like to sing alone, give it a small but company. In it, he can even be a ringleader, intensifying the action of the medicine.
And one ... will also come to the rescue if necessary, especially with diseases of the liver, stomach, spleen.
CYRZROSIS AND OTHER DISEASES OF THE LIVER. Grind the whole plant: root, stem, leaves. 2 tablespoons pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, on low heat still otpochatit 15 minutes, then remove from heat, add to the broth 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of fruit vinegar. Decoction to take hot.
TUBERCULOSIS. 2 tablespoons of roots per half liter of boiling water. Insist before cooling down. Persistent treatment cicatrizes infiltrates, prevents their occurrence.
ECZEMA. Cook from the calculation of 2 teaspoons of herbs for 1 cup of boiling water. Insist 15 20 minutes. Press the grass to apply to the affected places, until the spots disappear, leaving behind a small common red spot. The mashed grass is suitable for compresses with TROPHIC ulcers - the compress is put on at night.
TUMOR TUMOR, LIVER CYROROSIS, YELLOW, PAIN IN THE STOMACH. The entire plant is ground, take 40 g per 1 liter of cold water, bring to a boil, boil for 15 minutes on low heat, 1 hour to insist, drain. Take half a cup 2 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
Serious contraindications to chicory are not revealed. Side effects can be an excitement and a severe cough, as well as an excessive appetite, which must be taken into account when fullness and obesity.