Astragalus woollyflower - astragalus dasyanthus pall.

Astragalus dasyanthus Pall.

Астрагал шерстистоцветковый

Botanical characteristics. Family beans. Perennial hairy, fluffy, herbaceous plant with a height of up to 35 cm, which has a thick stem root. The stems are numerous erect or upright. The leaves are elongated-oval, broad, regular, odd-pinnate. Light-yellow inflorescences are located on long peduncles, located in the axils of the leaves. Flowering time is May-July. Fruit is an oval bean with kidneylike flattened seeds. Sometimes there is a repeated flowering at the end of August.

Spread. Steppe and forest-steppe zone of Russia - Voronezh, Kursk, Volgograd regions, Stavropol, Ukraine and Moldova. Prefers areas with preserved steppe vegetation.

Used parts of the plant. The above-ground part is the grass of Astragalus.
The chemical composition of the plant has been studied little. From the cuts and cracks in the trunk, a gum is obtained that contains polysaccharides (bassorin and arabin), as well as starch, sugars, mucus and organic acids.

Application. It acts soothingly on the nervous system, lowers arterial pressure, improves coronary circulation. Astragalus is a strong diuretic.
It is used in the treatment of neuroses, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, chronic cardiovascular insufficiency of I-II degree, with acute and chronic glomerulonephritis.

Preparation. 1 tablespoon of herbs poured into a thermos, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Infusion is drunk 3 times during the day for 20-40 minutes before meals.